Title: | Causal Inference and Prediction in Cohort-Based Analyses |
Description: | Numerous functions for cohort-based analyses, either for prediction or causal inference. For causal inference, it includes Inverse Probability Weighting and G-computation for marginal estimation of an exposure effect when confounders are expected. We deal with binary outcomes, times-to-events, competing events, and multi-state data. For multistate data, semi-Markov model with interval censoring may be considered, and we propose the possibility to consider the excess of mortality related to the disease compared to reference lifetime tables. For predictive studies, we propose a set of functions to estimate time-dependent receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves with the possible consideration of right-censoring times-to-events or the presence of confounders. Finally, several functions are available to assess time-dependent ROC curves or survival curves from aggregated data. |
Authors: | Yohann Foucher [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Yohann Foucher <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>=2) |
Version: | 1.0.7 |
Built: | 2025-02-21 09:22:32 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/foucher-y/risca |
This function computes the area under ROC curve by using the trapezoidal rule.
auc(sens, spec)
auc(sens, spec)
sens |
A numeric vector with the sensitivities |
spec |
A numeric vector with the specificities |
This function computes the area under ROC curve using the trapezoidal rule from two vectors of sensitivities and specificities. The value of the area is directly returned.
Y. Foucher <[email protected]>
se.temp <- c(0, 0.5, 0.5, 1) sp.temp <- c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 0) auc(se.temp, sp.temp)
se.temp <- c(0, 0.5, 0.5, 1) sp.temp <- c(1, 0.5, 0.5, 0) auc(se.temp, sp.temp)
Survival status for the liver chirrosis patients of Schlichting et al.
This data frame contains the following columns:
id |
a numeric vector related to the subject ID. |
time |
A numeric vector with the time of measurement. |
prot |
A numeric vector with the prothrombin level at measurement time. |
dc |
A numeric vector code. 0: censored observation, 1: died at eventT. |
eventT |
A numeric vector with the time of event (death). |
treat |
A numeric vector code. 0: active treatment of prednisone, 1: placebo treatment. |
sex |
A numeric vector code. 0: female, 1: male. |
age |
A numeric vector with the age of subject at inclusion time subtracted 60. |
prot.base |
A numeric vector with the prothrombin base level before entering the study |
prot.prev |
A numeric vector with the level of prothrombin at previous measurement time. |
lt |
A numeric vector with the starting time for the time-interval. |
rt |
A numeric vector with the stopping time for the time-interval. |
The timreg
Schlichting et al. Prognostic factors in cirrhosis identified by Cox's regression model. Hepatology. 1983 Nov-Dec;3(6):889-95. <doi https://doi.org/ 10.1002/ hep.1840030601>
data(dataCSL) names(dataCSL)
data(dataCSL) names(dataCSL)
A data frame with 5943 French kidney transplant recipients from the DIVAT cohort.
A data frame with 5943 observations for the 7 following variables:
A numeric vector with the sequences of observed states. The patient evolution can be described according to a 4-state structure: X=1 represents the healthy state, X=2 represents the acute rejection episode, X=3 the definitive return to dialysis and X=4 the death. These times can be right-censored. A vector of covariates is also collected at the transplantation, i.e. the baseline of the cohort.
A numeric vector with the times (in days) between the transplantation and the first clinical event (acute rejection episode, return to dialysis, or death with a functioning graft), or the times to censoring if trajectory=1
A numeric vector with the time between the transplantation and the second clinical event (return to dialysis or death with a functioning graft), or the the time to censoring if trajectory=12
A numeric vector with the recipient age (in years) at the transplantation.
A character vector with the recipient gender.
A numeric vector with the calendar year of the transplantation.
A numeric vector represents the explicative variable under interest, i.e. the delayed graft function (1=yes, 0=no).
URL: www.divat.fr
data(dataDIVAT1) ### a description of transitions table(dataDIVAT1$trajectory) ### patient-graft survival (first event between the return to dialysis and the patient ### death with a functioning graft) dataDIVAT1$failure<-1*(dataDIVAT1$trajectory!=1 & dataDIVAT1$trajectory!=12) dataDIVAT1$time<-NA dataDIVAT1$time<-ifelse(dataDIVAT1$trajectory %in% c(1,12,13,14), dataDIVAT1$time1,dataDIVAT1$time1+dataDIVAT1$time2) plot(survfit(Surv(time/365.24, failure) ~ 1 , data=dataDIVAT1), mark.time=FALSE, xlim=c(0,12), ylim=c(0,1), cex=1.5, col=1, lwd=2, lty=1, xlab="Times after the transplantation (years)", ylab="Patient-graft survival")
data(dataDIVAT1) ### a description of transitions table(dataDIVAT1$trajectory) ### patient-graft survival (first event between the return to dialysis and the patient ### death with a functioning graft) dataDIVAT1$failure<-1*(dataDIVAT1$trajectory!=1 & dataDIVAT1$trajectory!=12) dataDIVAT1$time<-NA dataDIVAT1$time<-ifelse(dataDIVAT1$trajectory %in% c(1,12,13,14), dataDIVAT1$time1,dataDIVAT1$time1+dataDIVAT1$time2) plot(survfit(Surv(time/365.24, failure) ~ 1 , data=dataDIVAT1), mark.time=FALSE, xlim=c(0,12), ylim=c(0,1), cex=1.5, col=1, lwd=2, lty=1, xlab="Times after the transplantation (years)", ylab="Patient-graft survival")
A data frame with 1912 French kidney transplant recipients from the DIVAT cohort.
A data frame with the 4 following variables:
This numeric vector provides the age of the recipient at the transplantation (in years).
This numeric vector provides the indicator of transplantations with at least 4 HLA incompatibilities between the donor and the recipient (1 for high level and 0 otherwise).
This numeric vector provides the indicator of re-transplantation (1 for more than one transplantation and 0 for first kidney transplantation).
The Expended Criteria Donor (1 for transplantations from ECD and 0 otherwise). ECD are defined by widely accepted criteria, which includes donors older than 60 years of age or 50-59 years of age with two of the following characteristics: history of hypertension, cerebrovascular accident as the cause of death or terminal serum creatinine higher than 1.5 mg/dL.
This numeric vector is the follow up times of each patient.
This numeric vector is the event indicator (0=right censored, 1=event). An event is considered when return in dialysis or patient death with functioning graft is observed.
URL: www.divat.fr
Le Borgne F, Giraudeau B, Querard AH, Giral M and Foucher Y. Comparisons of the performances of different statistical tests for time-to-event analysis with confounding factors: practical illustrations in kidney transplantation. Statistics in medicine. 30;35(7):1103-16, 2016. <doi:10.1002/ sim.6777>
data(dataDIVAT2) # Compute the non-adjusted Hazard Ratio related to the ECD versus SCD cox.ecd<-coxph(Surv(times, failures) ~ ecd, data=dataDIVAT2) summary(cox.ecd) # Hazard Ratio = 1.97
data(dataDIVAT2) # Compute the non-adjusted Hazard Ratio related to the ECD versus SCD cox.ecd<-coxph(Surv(times, failures) ~ ecd, data=dataDIVAT2) summary(cox.ecd) # Hazard Ratio = 1.97
A data frame with 4267 French kidney transplant recipients.
A data frame with 4267 observations for the 8 following variables.
This numeric vector represents the age of the recipient (in years)
This numeric vector represents the gender of the recipient (1=men, 0=female)
This numeric vector represents the year of the transplantation
This numeric vector represents the diabetes statute (1=yes, 0=no)
This numeric vector represents the pre-graft immunization using the panel reactive antibody (1=detectable, 0=undetectable)
This numeric vector represents the age of the donor (in years)
This numeric vector represents the follow up time in days (until death or censoring)
This numeric vector represents the death indicator at the follow-up end (1=death, 0=alive)
URL: www.divat.fr
Le Borgne et al. Standardized and weighted time-dependent ROC curves to evaluate the intrinsic prognostic capacities of a marker by taking into account confounding factors. Manuscript submitted. Stat Methods Med Res. 27(11):3397-3410, 2018. <doi: 10.1177/ 0962280217702416.>
data(dataDIVAT3) ### a short summary of the recipient age at the transplantation summary(dataDIVAT3$ageR) ### Kaplan and Meier estimation of the recipient survival plot(survfit(Surv(death.time/365.25, death) ~ 1, data = dataDIVAT3), xlab="Post transplantation time (in years)", ylab="Patient survival", mark.time=FALSE)
data(dataDIVAT3) ### a short summary of the recipient age at the transplantation summary(dataDIVAT3$ageR) ### Kaplan and Meier estimation of the recipient survival plot(survfit(Surv(death.time/365.25, death) ~ 1, data = dataDIVAT3), xlab="Post transplantation time (in years)", ylab="Patient survival", mark.time=FALSE)
A data frame with 6648 French kidney transplant recipients from the DIVAT cohort. According to this data set, patient and graft survival can be computed for each hospital. This database was used by Combsecure et al. (2014).
A data frame with the 3 following variables:
This numeric vector represents the hospital in which the kidney transplantation was performed. Six hospitals were included.
For right censored data, this numeric vector represents the follow up time (in days). When the event is observed, this numeric vector represents the exact time-to-event.
This indicator describes the end of the follow-up. The status
equals 0 for right censored data and 1 if the event is observed.
The data were extracted from the prospective multicentric DIVAT cohort (www.divat.fr). Patients transplanted between 2000 and 2012 in 6 French centers were included. Only adult patients receiving a single kidney transplant and treated by Calcineurin inhibitors and Mycophenolate Mofetil for maintenance therapy after transplantation were considered. In parallel, patients who received multi-organ transplantation were excluded from the study. The time-to-event under interest is the time between the kidney transplantation and the graft failure, i.e. the first event between the return in dialysis or the death of the patient with functional kidney.
URL: www.divat.fr
Combescure et al. The multivariate DerSimonian and Laird's methodology applied to meta-analysis of survival curves. 10;33(15):2521-37, 2014. Statistics in Medicine. <doi:10.1002/sim.6111>
data(dataDIVAT4) divat.surv <- survfit(Surv(time/365.24, status) ~ hospital, data = dataDIVAT4) plot(divat.surv, lty = 1:6, col=1:6, lwd=2, mark.time=FALSE, xlab="Post transplantation time (days)", ylab="Patient and graft survival")
data(dataDIVAT4) divat.surv <- survfit(Surv(time/365.24, status) ~ hospital, data = dataDIVAT4) plot(divat.surv, lty = 1:6, col=1:6, lwd=2, mark.time=FALSE, xlab="Post transplantation time (days)", ylab="Patient and graft survival")
A data frame that presents the aggregated outcomes per center of 5943 French kidney transplant recipients from the DIVAT cohort. It was used by Combescure et al. (2016).
A data frame with 106 observations for the 8 following variables:
This numeric vector represents the groups of recipients defined using the 1-year serum creatinine. 1 is the first group with the lowest values of 1-year serum creatinine.
This numeric vector represents the number of recipients at the baseline (date of the transplantation) in each group.
This numeric vector represents the post transplant time (in years).
This numeric vector represents the survival probabilities at each year (obtained using the Kaplan and Meier estimator from the individual data).
This numeric vector represents the number of subjects at-risk of the event at the corresponding year
This numeric vector represents the proportion of the patients in a center which belong to the corresponding group.
This numeric vector represents the minimum value of the interval of the 1-year serum creatinine (in ).
This numeric vector represents the maximum value of the interval of the 1-year serum creatinine (in ).
This numeric vector represents the centers.
The immunology and nephrology department of the Nantes University hospital constituted a data bank with the monitoring of medical records for kidney and/or pancreas transplant recipients. Here, we considered a subpopulation of 4195 adult patients and who had received a first kidney graft between January 1996 and Jun 2008. Five centers participated. A total of 511 graft failures were observed (346 returns to dialysis and 165 deaths with a functional kidney). Based on this database, we constructed an aggregated dataset to perform a meta-analysis on 5 published monocentric studies. The medical objective was to evaluate whether 1-year serum creatinine (Cr) is a good predictive marker of graft failure. Cr is a breakdown product and is removed from the body by the kidneys. If kidney function is abnormal, blood Cr levels increase.
URL: www.divat.fr
Combescure et al. A literature-based approach to evaluate the predictive capacity of a marker using time-dependent Summary Receiver Operating Characteristics. Stat Methods Med Res, 25(2):674-85, 2016. <doi: 10.1177/ 0962280212464542>
data(dataDIVAT5) # Kaplan Meier estimations of the graft survival in the first center plot(dataDIVAT5$year[dataDIVAT5$centre.num==1], dataDIVAT5$surv[dataDIVAT5$centre.num==1], xlab="Post transplantation time (years)", ylab="Graft survival", ylim=c(0.7,1), xlim=c(0, 9), type="n") # Goup 1 lines(c(0, dataDIVAT5$year[dataDIVAT5$centre.num==1 & dataDIVAT5$classe==1]), c(1, dataDIVAT5$surv[dataDIVAT5$centre.num==1 & dataDIVAT5$classe==1]), type="b", col=1, lty=1, lwd=2) # Goup 2 lines(c(0, dataDIVAT5$year[dataDIVAT5$centre.num==1 & dataDIVAT5$classe==2]), c(1, dataDIVAT5$surv[dataDIVAT5$centre.num==1 & dataDIVAT5$classe==2]), type="b", col=2, lty=2, lwd=2) # legend legend("bottomleft", c("group #1 (1-year Cr<4.57)", "group #2 (1-year Cr>4.57)"), col=c(1, 2), lty=c(1, 2), lwd=c(2, 2))
data(dataDIVAT5) # Kaplan Meier estimations of the graft survival in the first center plot(dataDIVAT5$year[dataDIVAT5$centre.num==1], dataDIVAT5$surv[dataDIVAT5$centre.num==1], xlab="Post transplantation time (years)", ylab="Graft survival", ylim=c(0.7,1), xlim=c(0, 9), type="n") # Goup 1 lines(c(0, dataDIVAT5$year[dataDIVAT5$centre.num==1 & dataDIVAT5$classe==1]), c(1, dataDIVAT5$surv[dataDIVAT5$centre.num==1 & dataDIVAT5$classe==1]), type="b", col=1, lty=1, lwd=2) # Goup 2 lines(c(0, dataDIVAT5$year[dataDIVAT5$centre.num==1 & dataDIVAT5$classe==2]), c(1, dataDIVAT5$surv[dataDIVAT5$centre.num==1 & dataDIVAT5$classe==2]), type="b", col=2, lty=2, lwd=2) # legend legend("bottomleft", c("group #1 (1-year Cr<4.57)", "group #2 (1-year Cr>4.57)"), col=c(1, 2), lty=c(1, 2), lwd=c(2, 2))
Data were extracted from the DIVAT cohort. It corresponds to the reference sample constituted by first transplant recipients (FTR).
A data frame with the 4 following variables:
This numeric vector provides the post-transplantation time (in days).
This numeric vector provides the indicator of graft failure at the end of the follow-up (1 for failure and 0 for right censoring).
This numeric vector provides the recipient age at transplantation (1 for older than 55 years and 0 otherwise).
This numeric vector provides the recipient gender (1 for men and 0 for women).
First transplant recipients (FTR) constituted the reference group. Recipients older than 18 years at the date of transplantation between 1996 and 2010 were selected from the French DIVAT (www.divat.fr/en) multicentric prospective cohort. Only recipients with a maintenance therapy with calcineurin inhibitors, mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors or belatacept, in addition to mycophenolic acid and steroid were included. Simultaneous transplantations were excluded. Two explicative variables are proposed: recipient age at transplantation and recipient gender.
K. Trebern-Launay, M. Giral, J. Dantal and Y. Foucher. Comparison of the risk factors effects between two populations: two alternative approaches illustrated by the analysis of first and second kidney transplant recipients. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2013 Aug 6;13:102. <doi: 10.1186/1471-2288-13-102>
data(dataFTR) # Compute a Cox PH model with both explicative variables summary(coxph(Surv(Tps.Evt/365.24, Evt) ~ ageR2cl + sexeR, data=dataFTR))
data(dataFTR) # Compute a Cox PH model with both explicative variables summary(coxph(Surv(Tps.Evt/365.24, Evt) ~ ageR2cl + sexeR, data=dataFTR))
Data were extracted from the studies included in the meta-analysis by Cabibbo et al. which aimed to assess the survival rate in untreated patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.
A data frame with with the 8 following variables:
This numeric vector represents number of the study.
This vector represents the name of the first author.
This numeric vector represents the publication year.
This numeric vector represents the times for which the survival rates are collected in years.
This numeric vector represents the survival rates for each value of time
This numeric vector represents the number of at-risk patients for each value of time
This factor indicates the location of the study (Asia, North Amercia or Europe)
This factor indicates if the study is monocentric ou multicentric.
The survival probabilities were extracted from the published survival curves each month during the first six months and then by step of three months. The pictures of the curves were digitalized using the R package ReadImage and the probabilities were extracted using the package digitize proposed by Poisot. The numbers of at-risk patients for each interval of time were derived from the numbers of at-risk patients reported in the studies, and using the methods of Parmar or Williamson to account for censorship. Studies have different length of follow-up. For each study, survival probabilities and the numbers of at-risk patients were collected at all points in time before the end of follow-up.
Cabibbo, G., et al., A meta-analysis of survival rates of untreated patients in randomized clinical trials of hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatology, 2010. 51(4): p. 1274-83.
Poisot, T., The digitize Package: Extracting Numerical Data from Scatter-plots. The R Journal, 2011. 3(1): p. 25-26.
Parmar, M.K., V. Torri, and L. Stewart, Extracting summary statistics to perform meta-analyses of the published literature for survival endpoints. Stat Med, 1998. 17(24): p. 2815-34
data(dataHepatology) times <- dataHepatology$time survival <- dataHepatology$survival study <- dataHepatology$study plot(times, survival, type="n", ylim=c(0,1), xlab="Time",ylab="Survival") for (i in unique(sort(study))) { lines(times[study==i], survival[study==i], type="l", col="grey") points(max(times[study==i]), survival[study==i & times == max( times[study==i])], pch=15) }
data(dataHepatology) times <- dataHepatology$time survival <- dataHepatology$survival study <- dataHepatology$study plot(times, survival, type="n", ylim=c(0,1), xlab="Time",ylab="Survival") for (i in unique(sort(study))) { lines(times[study==i], survival[study==i], type="l", col="grey") points(max(times[study==i]), survival[study==i & times == max( times[study==i])], pch=15) }
The aggregated data from the meta-analysis proposed by Azambuja et al. (2007).
A data frame with 406 observations (rows) with the 10 following variables (columns).
This numeric vector represents the groups of patients defined using KI-67. 1 is the first group which is defined by the lowest KI-67 values.
This numeric vector represents the number of recipients at the baseline (date of KI-67 collection) in each group.
This numeric vector represents the survival time (in years).
This numeric vector represents the survival probabilities at each year (obtained using the Kaplan and Meier estimator from the published papers).
This numeric vector represents the number of subjects at-risk of the event at the corresponding year
This numeric vector represents the proportion of the patients for a given paper which belong to the corresponding group.
This numeric vector represents the logarithm of the minimum value of the KI-67 interval.
This numeric vector represents the logarithm of the maximum value of the KI-67 interval.
This numeric vector identifies the studies.
This character vector identifies the first author of the paper.
This numeric vector identifies the year of publication.
KI-67 is a marker of the proliferative activity of breast cancer, but its prognostic capacity is still unclear. In their meta-analysis, de Azambuja et al. (2007) concluded that KI-67 positivity conferred a worse survival. This work focused on the 35 evaluable studies of the relationship between KI-67 and the overall survival. 23 studies described survival curves according to the level of KI-67. Survival probabilities were measured every year.
de Azambuja et al. Ki-67 as prognostic marker in early breast cancer: a meta-analysis of published studies involving 12 155 patients. British Journal of Cancer. 96:1504-1513, 2007. <doi: 10.1038/ sj.bjc.6603756>
data(dataKi67) # Kaplan Meier estimations of graft survivals in Wintzer et al. (1991) plot(dataKi67$year[dataKi67$study.num==1], dataKi67$surv[dataKi67$study.num==1], xlab="Post transplantation time (years)", ylab="Graft survival", ylim=c(0.6,1), xlim=c(0, 4), type="n") # Goup 1 lines(c(0, dataKi67$year[dataKi67$study.num==1 & dataKi67$classe==1]), c(1, dataKi67$surv[dataKi67$study.num==1 & dataKi67$classe==1]), type="b", col=1, lty=1, lwd=2) # Goup 2 lines(c(0, dataKi67$year[dataKi67$study.num==1 & dataKi67$classe==2]), c(1, dataKi67$surv[dataKi67$study.num==1 & dataKi67$classe==2]), type="b", col=2, lty=2, lwd=2) # legend legend("bottomleft", c("group #1 (log Ki67 < 2.49)", "group #2 (log Ki67 > 2.49)"), col=c(1, 2), lty=c(1, 2), lwd=c(2, 2))
data(dataKi67) # Kaplan Meier estimations of graft survivals in Wintzer et al. (1991) plot(dataKi67$year[dataKi67$study.num==1], dataKi67$surv[dataKi67$study.num==1], xlab="Post transplantation time (years)", ylab="Graft survival", ylim=c(0.6,1), xlim=c(0, 4), type="n") # Goup 1 lines(c(0, dataKi67$year[dataKi67$study.num==1 & dataKi67$classe==1]), c(1, dataKi67$surv[dataKi67$study.num==1 & dataKi67$classe==1]), type="b", col=1, lty=1, lwd=2) # Goup 2 lines(c(0, dataKi67$year[dataKi67$study.num==1 & dataKi67$classe==2]), c(1, dataKi67$surv[dataKi67$study.num==1 & dataKi67$classe==2]), type="b", col=2, lty=2, lwd=2) # legend legend("bottomleft", c("group #1 (log Ki67 < 2.49)", "group #2 (log Ki67 > 2.49)"), col=c(1, 2), lty=c(1, 2), lwd=c(2, 2))
A data frame with 2169 French kidney transplant recipients for who the Kidney Transplant Failure Score (KTFS) was collected. The KTFS is a score proposed by Foucher et al. (2010) to stratify the recipients according to their risk of return in dialysis.
A data frame with 2169 observations for the 3 following variables:
This numeric vector represents the follow up time in years (until return in dialyis or censoring)
This numeric vector represents the graft failure indicator at the follow-up end (1=return, 0=censoring)
This numeric vector represents the KTFS values.
URL: www.divat.fr
Foucher Y. al. A clinical scoring system highly predictive of long-term kidney graft survival. Kidney International, 78:1288-94, 2010. <doi:10.1038/ki.2010.232>
data(dataKTFS) ### a short summary of the recipient age at the transplantation summary(dataKTFS$score) ### Kaplan and Meier estimation of the recipient survival plot(survfit(Surv(time, failure) ~ I(score>4.17), data = dataKTFS), xlab="Post transplantation time (in years)", ylab="Patient survival", mark.time=FALSE, col=c(2,1), lty=c(2,1)) legend("bottomleft", c("Recipients in the high-risk group", "Recipients in the low-risk group"), col=1:2, lty=1:2)
data(dataKTFS) ### a short summary of the recipient age at the transplantation summary(dataKTFS$score) ### Kaplan and Meier estimation of the recipient survival plot(survfit(Surv(time, failure) ~ I(score>4.17), data = dataKTFS), xlab="Post transplantation time (in years)", ylab="Patient survival", mark.time=FALSE, col=c(2,1), lty=c(2,1)) legend("bottomleft", c("Recipients in the high-risk group", "Recipients in the low-risk group"), col=1:2, lty=1:2)
A data frame with 1300 simulated French patients with multiple sclerosis from the OFSEP cohort. The baseline is 1 year after the initiation of the first-line treatment.
A data frame with 1300 observations for the 3 following variables:
This numeric vector represents the follow up time in years (until disease progression or censoring)
This numeric vector represents the disease progression indicator at the follow-up end (1=progression, 0=censoring)
This numeric vector represents the patient age (in years) at baseline.
This numeric vector represents the disease duration (in days) at baseline.
This numeric vector represents the calendar period: 1 in-between 2014 and 2018, and 0 otherwise.
This numeric vector represents the gender: 1 for women.
This numeric vector represents the diagnosis of at least one relapse since the treatment initiation : 1 if at leat one event, and 0 otherwise.
This vector of character string represents the EDSS level : "miss" for missing, "low" for EDSS between 0 to 2, and "high" otherwise.
This vector of character string represents the new gadolinium-enhancing T1 lesion : "missing", "0" or "1+" for at least 1 lesion.
This vector of character string represents the new T2 lesions : "no" or "yes".
This numeric vector represents the modified Rio score.
Sabathe C et al. SuperLearner for survival prediction from censored data: extension of the R package RISCA. Submited.
data(dataOFSEP) ### Kaplan and Meier estimation of the disease progression free survival plot(survfit(Surv(time, event) ~ 1, data = dataOFSEP), ylab="Disease progression free survival", xlab="Time after the first anniversary of the first-line treatment in years")
data(dataOFSEP) ### Kaplan and Meier estimation of the disease progression free survival plot(survfit(Surv(time, event) ~ 1, data = dataOFSEP), ylab="Disease progression free survival", xlab="Time after the first anniversary of the first-line treatment in years")
Data were extracted from the DIVAT cohort. It corresponds to the relative sample constituted by second transplant recipients (STR).
A data frame with the 6 following variables:
This numeric vector provides the post transplantation time (in days).
This vector provides the indicators of graft failure at the end of the follow-up (1 for failures and 0 for right censoring).
This numeric vector provides the recipient age at transplantation (1 for older than 55 years and 0 otherwise).
This numeric vector provides the recipient gender (1 for men and 0 for women).
This numeric vector provides the donor age (1 for older than 55 years and 0 otherwise).
This numeric vector provides the waiting time in dialysis between the two consecutive transplantations (1 for more than 3 years and 0 otherwise).
Second transplant recipients (STR) constituted the relative group of interest. Recipients older than 18 years at the date of transplantation between 1996 and 2010 were selected from the French DIVAT (www.divat.fr/en) multicentric prospective cohort. Only recipients with a maintenance therapy with calcineurin inhibitors, mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors or belatacept, in addition to mycophenolic acid and steroid were included. Simultaneous transplantations were excluded. Two explicative variables are common with the reference group: recipient age at transplantation and recipient gender. Two explicative variables are specific to STR: donor age and waiting time in dialysis between the two consecutive transplantations.
K. Trebern-Launay, M. Giral, J. Dantal and Y. Foucher. Comparison of the risk factors effects between two populations: two alternative approaches illustrated by the analysis of first and second kidney transplant recipients. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2013 Aug 6;13:102. <doi: 10.1186/1471-2288-13-102>
data(dataSTR) # Compute a Cox PH model summary(coxph(Surv(Tps.Evt/365.24, Evt) ~ ageR2cl + Tattente2cl, data=dataSTR))
data(dataSTR) # Compute a Cox PH model summary(coxph(Surv(Tps.Evt/365.24, Evt) ~ ageR2cl + Tattente2cl, data=dataSTR))
This function allows the estimation of a cut-off for medical decision making between two treatments A and B from a prognostic marker by maximizing the expected utility in a time-dependent context. Only the observations of one group are available.
expect.utility1(times, failures, variable, pro.time, u.A0, u.A1, u.B0, u.B1, n.boot, rmst.change)
expect.utility1(times, failures, variable, pro.time, u.A0, u.A1, u.B0, u.B1, n.boot, rmst.change)
times |
A numeric vector with the follow up times for the patients receiving the treatment B. |
failures |
A numeric vector with the event indicator for the patients receiving the treatment B (0=right censoring, 1=event). |
variable |
A numeric vector with the observed values of the marker under interest |
pro.time |
The prognostic time for which the prognostic capacities of the marker and the patient outcomes are considered in the same unit than the one used in the argument |
u.A0 |
A value of the utility of a patient receiving the treatment A before the event occurrence. This value should respect the 0-1 scale (from death to perfect health). |
u.A1 |
A value of the utility of a patient receiving the treatment A after the event occurrence. This value should respect the 0-1 scale. |
u.B0 |
A value of the utility of a patient receiving the treatment B before the event occurrence. This value should respect the 0-1 scale. |
u.B1 |
A value of the utility of a patient receiving the treatment B after the event occurrence. This value should respect the 0-1 scale. |
n.boot |
Number of bootstrap iterations to compute the 95% confidence interval of the optimal cut-off. The default value is NULL: no confidence interval is estimated. |
rmst.change |
A numeric vector with the expected relative change in the Restricted Mean Survival Time (RMST) by using the treatment A instead of the treatment B among patients with |
The user observes a cohort of patients receiving the treatment B. She(he) assumes that an alternative treatment A would be more convenient for patients with high-values of the marker X
. She(he) aims to compute the optimal cut-off value for a future stratified medical decision rule: treatment A for patients with X>k
and treatment B for patients with X<k
. The user has to enter the observed cohort of patients with the treatment B. Additional to the assumptions related to health-state utilities, the user have to specify in rmst.change
, i.e. the expected relative change in terms of RMST between the two treatments. For instance, if the observed life expectancy of a patient with treatment B over the next 8 years (value entered in pro.time
) is 6.70 years, and assuming that the treatment A increases this life expectancy during the next 8 years by 1.33 years, the expected relative change in RMST is 0.20 (=1.33/6.7).
estimation |
This is a single value if |
max.eu |
This value corresponds to the maximum expected utility associated with the |
table |
This data frame is composed by 8 columns representing respectively the cut-off values, the time-dependent expected utilities ( |
delta.rmst |
This value represents the expected RMST for patients with a marker higher than the |
delta.qaly |
This value represents the number of QALYs for patients with a marker higher than the |
missing |
Number of deleted observations due to missing data. |
Etienne Dantan <[email protected]>
Yohann Foucher <[email protected]>
Dantan et al. Optimal threshold estimator of a prognostic marker by maximizing a time-dependent expected utility function for a patient-centered stratified medicine. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 27(6) :1847-1859. 2016. <doi:10.1177/ 0962280216671161>
data(dataKTFS) # to respect the CRAN policy (run times < 5s), we reduced the database # to the first 1500 patients. Removed the first line to use the antire sample. dataKTFS <- dataKTFS[1:1500,] dataKTFS$score <- round(dataKTFS$score, 1) # the expected utility function for a prognostic up to 8 years EUt.obj <- expect.utility1(dataKTFS$time, dataKTFS$failure, dataKTFS$score, pro.time=8, u.A0=0.81*0.95, u.A1=0.53, u.B0=0.81, u.B1=0.53, rmst.change=0.2) plot(EUt.obj$table$cut.off, EUt.obj$table$utility, type="l", xlab="Cut-off values", ylab="Expected utility", col=1, lty=1) segments(EUt.obj$estimation, 0, EUt.obj$estimation, EUt.obj$max.eu, lty=3) segments(0, EUt.obj$max.eu, EUt.obj$estimation, EUt.obj$max.eu, lty=3) text(EUt.obj$estimation-0.2, 6.22, paste("Optimal cut-off=", round(EUt.obj$estimation,2)), srt=90, cex=0.8) text(min(dataKTFS$score)+1.4, EUt.obj$max.eu-0.006, paste("Expected utility=", round(EUt.obj$max.eu, 2)), cex=0.8) # the optimal cut-off: patients with an higher value should receive the treatment A EUt.obj$estimation
data(dataKTFS) # to respect the CRAN policy (run times < 5s), we reduced the database # to the first 1500 patients. Removed the first line to use the antire sample. dataKTFS <- dataKTFS[1:1500,] dataKTFS$score <- round(dataKTFS$score, 1) # the expected utility function for a prognostic up to 8 years EUt.obj <- expect.utility1(dataKTFS$time, dataKTFS$failure, dataKTFS$score, pro.time=8, u.A0=0.81*0.95, u.A1=0.53, u.B0=0.81, u.B1=0.53, rmst.change=0.2) plot(EUt.obj$table$cut.off, EUt.obj$table$utility, type="l", xlab="Cut-off values", ylab="Expected utility", col=1, lty=1) segments(EUt.obj$estimation, 0, EUt.obj$estimation, EUt.obj$max.eu, lty=3) segments(0, EUt.obj$max.eu, EUt.obj$estimation, EUt.obj$max.eu, lty=3) text(EUt.obj$estimation-0.2, 6.22, paste("Optimal cut-off=", round(EUt.obj$estimation,2)), srt=90, cex=0.8) text(min(dataKTFS$score)+1.4, EUt.obj$max.eu-0.006, paste("Expected utility=", round(EUt.obj$max.eu, 2)), cex=0.8) # the optimal cut-off: patients with an higher value should receive the treatment A EUt.obj$estimation
This function allows the estimation of a cut-off of a prognostic marker for medical decision making between two treatments A and B by maximizing the expected utility in a time-dependent context.
expect.utility2(times, failures, variable, treatment, pro.time, u.A0, u.A1, u.B0, u.B1, n.boot)
expect.utility2(times, failures, variable, treatment, pro.time, u.A0, u.A1, u.B0, u.B1, n.boot)
times |
A numeric vector with the follow up times. |
failures |
A numeric vector with the event indicator (0=right censoring, 1=event). |
variable |
A numeric vector with the observed values of the marker/variable under interest |
treatment |
A character vector with the observed treatment. Only character strings "A" and "B" are allowed. |
pro.time |
The prognostic time for which the capacities of the marker and the patient outcomes are considered in the same unit than the one used in the argument |
u.A0 |
A value of the utility of a patient receiving the treatment A before the event occurrence. This value should respect the 0-1 scale (from death to perfect health). |
u.A1 |
A value of the utility of a patient receiving the treatment A after the event occurrence. This value should respect the 0-1 scale. |
u.B0 |
A value of the utility of a patient receiving the treatment B before the event occurrence. This value should respect the 0-1 scale. |
u.B1 |
A value of the utility of a patient receiving the treatment B after the event occurrence. This value should respect the 0-1 scale. |
n.boot |
Number of bootstrap iterations to compute the 95% confidence interval of the optimal cut-off. The default value is NULL: no confidence interval is estimated. |
The treatments A and B are allocated independently to the value of the marker X
. We assume that the treatment A will be more convenient for patients with high value of the marker X
. The aim is to compute the optimal cut-off value for a future stratified medical decision rule: treatment A for patients with X>k
and treatment B for patients with X<k
estimation |
This is a single value if |
max.eu |
This value corresponds to the maximum expected utility associated with the |
table |
This data frame is composed by 8 columns representing respectively the cut-off values ( |
delta.rmst |
This is a vector with two values. The first value, entitled |
delta.qaly |
This is a vector with two values. The first value, entitled |
missing |
Number of deleted observations due to missing data. |
Etienne Dantan <[email protected]>
Yohann Foucher <[email protected]>
Dantan et al. Optimal threshold estimator of a prognostic marker by maximizing a time-dependent expected utility function for a patient-centered stratified medicine. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 27(6) :1847-1859. 2016. <doi:10.1177/ 0962280216671161>
# import and attach the data example data(dataCSL) dataCSL <- dataCSL[order(dataCSL$id, dataCSL$time),] dataCSL$ordre <-0 for (i in unique(dataCSL$id)) {dataCSL$ordre[dataCSL$id==i] <- 1:sum(dataCSL$id==i)} dataCSL$ttt[dataCSL$treat==0]<-"A" dataCSL$ttt[dataCSL$treat==1]<-"B" dataCSL0 <- dataCSL[dataCSL$ordre==1,] dataCSL0<-dataCSL0[,c(1,4,5,14,9)] # the expected utility function for a prognostic up to 8 years EUt.obj <- expect.utility2(dataCSL0$eventT, dataCSL0$dc, dataCSL0$prot.base, treatment= dataCSL0$ttt, pro.time=8, u.A0=0.75*0.95, u.A1=0, u.B0=0.75, u.B1=0) plot(EUt.obj$table$cut.off, EUt.obj$table$utility, type="l", xlab="Cut-off values", ylab="Expected utility",col=1, lty=1) segments(EUt.obj$estimation, 0, EUt.obj$estimation, EUt.obj$max.eu, lty=3) segments(0, EUt.obj$max.eu, EUt.obj$estimation, EUt.obj$max.eu, lty=3) text(EUt.obj$estimation-2, 3.38, paste("Optimal cut-off=",round(EUt.obj$estimation,2)), srt=90, cex=0.8) text(min(dataCSL0$prot.base)+40, EUt.obj$max.eu-0.005, paste("Expected utility=",round(EUt.obj$max.eu,2)), cex=0.8) # the optimal cut-off: patients with an higher value should receive the treatment A EUt.obj$estimation
# import and attach the data example data(dataCSL) dataCSL <- dataCSL[order(dataCSL$id, dataCSL$time),] dataCSL$ordre <-0 for (i in unique(dataCSL$id)) {dataCSL$ordre[dataCSL$id==i] <- 1:sum(dataCSL$id==i)} dataCSL$ttt[dataCSL$treat==0]<-"A" dataCSL$ttt[dataCSL$treat==1]<-"B" dataCSL0 <- dataCSL[dataCSL$ordre==1,] dataCSL0<-dataCSL0[,c(1,4,5,14,9)] # the expected utility function for a prognostic up to 8 years EUt.obj <- expect.utility2(dataCSL0$eventT, dataCSL0$dc, dataCSL0$prot.base, treatment= dataCSL0$ttt, pro.time=8, u.A0=0.75*0.95, u.A1=0, u.B0=0.75, u.B1=0) plot(EUt.obj$table$cut.off, EUt.obj$table$utility, type="l", xlab="Cut-off values", ylab="Expected utility",col=1, lty=1) segments(EUt.obj$estimation, 0, EUt.obj$estimation, EUt.obj$max.eu, lty=3) segments(0, EUt.obj$max.eu, EUt.obj$estimation, EUt.obj$max.eu, lty=3) text(EUt.obj$estimation-2, 3.38, paste("Optimal cut-off=",round(EUt.obj$estimation,2)), srt=90, cex=0.8) text(min(dataCSL0$prot.base)+40, EUt.obj$max.eu-0.005, paste("Expected utility=",round(EUt.obj$max.eu,2)), cex=0.8) # the optimal cut-off: patients with an higher value should receive the treatment A EUt.obj$estimation
An object of class ratetable for the expected mortality of the French population. It is an array with three dimensions: age, sex and year.
The format is "ratetable". The attributes are:
dim |
A numeric vector with the length of each dimension. |
dimnames |
A character vector with the names of each variable of the three dimensions. |
dimid |
A character vector with the identification of the dimensions: age , year and sex . |
factor |
A numeric vector of indicators equals to 1 if the corresponding dimension does not vary |
according to the time. Only the dimension related to sex equals 1. |
cutpoints |
A list of the thresholds to identify the changes in the mortality rates according to |
the time-dependent dimensions (NULL for sex ). |
class |
The class of the object: ratetable . |
The organization of a ratetable object is described in details by Therneau (1999) and Pohar (2006). The original data and updates can be downloaded from the Human Life-Table Database (HMD, The Human Mortality Database).
URL: www.mortality.org
Therneau and Offord. Expected Survival Based on Hazard Rates (Update), Technical Report, Section of Biostatistics, Mayo Clinic 63, 1999.
Pohar and Stare. Relative survival analysis in R. Computer methods and programs in biomedicine, 81: 272-278, 2006.
data(fr.ratetable) is.ratetable(fr.ratetable)
data(fr.ratetable) is.ratetable(fr.ratetable)
This function allows to estimate the marginal effect of an exposure or a treatment by G-computation for binary outcomes.
gc.logistic(glm.obj, data, group, effect, var.method, iterations, n.cluster, cluster.type)
gc.logistic(glm.obj, data, group, effect, var.method, iterations, n.cluster, cluster.type)
glm.obj |
A glm object obtained by using the function glm with the argument |
data |
A data frame in which to look for the variable related to the outcome, the treatment/exposure and the covariables included in the previous logistic regression |
group |
The name or the variable related to the exposure/treatment variable. This variable shall have only two modalities encoded 0 for the untreated/unexposed patients and 1 for the treated/exposed patients. |
effect |
The type of the marginal effect to be estimated. Three types are possible (see details): "ATE" (by default), "ATT" and "ATU". |
var.method |
The method to estimate the variances and the confidence intervals. Two methods are possible: "simulations" (by default) which consists in parametric simulation based on the maximum likelihood estimates of the multivariate logistic regression |
iterations |
The number of iterations (simulations or resamples depending on the argument in |
n.cluster |
The number of cores to use, i.e., the upper limit for the number of child processes that run simultaneously (1 by default). |
cluster.type |
A character string with the type of parallelization. The default type is "PSOCK" (it calls makePSOCKcluster, faster on MacOS or Linux platforms). An alternative is "FORK" (it calls makeForkCluster, it does not work on Windows platforms). |
The ATE corresponds to Average Treatment effect on the Entire population, i.e. the marginal effect if all the sample is treated versus all the sample is untreated. The ATT corresponds to Average Treatment effect on the Treated, i.e. the marginal effect if the treated patients (group = 1
) would have been untreated. The ATU corresponds to Average Treatment effect on the Untreated , i.e. the marginal effect if the untreated patients (group = 0
) would have been treated. Simulation method for variance estimation has a shorter computing time than the boostrap method, but bootstrap is more accurate.
effect |
A character string with the type of the marginal effect. |
p0 |
A table related to the average proportion of events in the unexposed/untreated sample: |
p1 |
A table related to the average proportion of events in the exposed/treated sample: |
delta |
A table related to the difference between the average proportions of events in the exposed/treated sample minus in the unexposed/untreated sample: |
logOR |
A table related to the logarithm of the average Odds Ratio (OR): |
p.value |
The p-value of the bilateral test of the null hypothesis |
Yohann Foucher <[email protected]>
Arthur Chatton <[email protected]>
Le Borgne et al. G-computation and machine learning for estimating the causal effects of binary exposure statuses on binary outcomes. Scientific Reports. 11(1):1435. 2021. <doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-81110-0>
#data simulation #treatment = 1 if the patients have been the exposure or treatment of interest and 0 otherwise treatment <- rbinom(600, 1, prob=0.5) covariate <- rnorm(600, 0, 1) covariate[treatment==1] <- rnorm(sum(treatment==1), 0.3, 1) outcome <- rbinom(600, 1, prob= exp(-2+0.26*treatment+0.7*covariate)/(1+exp(-2+0.26*treatment+0.7*covariate))) tab <- data.frame(outcome, treatment, covariate) #Raw effect of the treatment glm.raw <- glm(outcome ~ treatment, data=tab, family = binomial(link=logit)) summary(glm.raw) #Conditional effect of the treatment glm.multi <- glm(outcome ~ treatment + covariate, data=tab, family = binomial(link=logit)) summary(glm.multi) #Marginal effects of the treatment (ATE) gc.ate <- gc.logistic(glm.obj=glm.multi, data=tab, group="treatment", effect="ATE", var.method="simulations", iterations=1000, n.cluster=1) #Sum-up of the 3 ORs data.frame( raw=exp(glm.raw$coefficients[2]), conditional=exp(glm.multi$coefficients[2]), marginal.ate=exp(gc.ate$logOR[,1]) )
#data simulation #treatment = 1 if the patients have been the exposure or treatment of interest and 0 otherwise treatment <- rbinom(600, 1, prob=0.5) covariate <- rnorm(600, 0, 1) covariate[treatment==1] <- rnorm(sum(treatment==1), 0.3, 1) outcome <- rbinom(600, 1, prob= exp(-2+0.26*treatment+0.7*covariate)/(1+exp(-2+0.26*treatment+0.7*covariate))) tab <- data.frame(outcome, treatment, covariate) #Raw effect of the treatment glm.raw <- glm(outcome ~ treatment, data=tab, family = binomial(link=logit)) summary(glm.raw) #Conditional effect of the treatment glm.multi <- glm(outcome ~ treatment + covariate, data=tab, family = binomial(link=logit)) summary(glm.multi) #Marginal effects of the treatment (ATE) gc.ate <- gc.logistic(glm.obj=glm.multi, data=tab, group="treatment", effect="ATE", var.method="simulations", iterations=1000, n.cluster=1) #Sum-up of the 3 ORs data.frame( raw=exp(glm.raw$coefficients[2]), conditional=exp(glm.multi$coefficients[2]), marginal.ate=exp(gc.ate$logOR[,1]) )
This function allows to estimate the marginal effect of an exposure or a treatment by G-computation for binary outcomes, the outcome prediction (Q-model) is obtained by using a super learner.
gc.sl.binary(outcome, group, cov.quanti, cov.quali, keep, data, effect, tuneLength, cv, iterations, n.cluster, cluster.type)
gc.sl.binary(outcome, group, cov.quanti, cov.quali, keep, data, effect, tuneLength, cv, iterations, n.cluster, cluster.type)
outcome |
The name of the variable related to the binary outcome variable. This numeric variable must have only two levels: 0 and 1 (for instance: 0=healthy, 1=diseased). |
group |
The name of the variable related to the exposure/treatment variable. This numeric variable must have only two levels: 0 for the untreated/unexposed patients and 1 for the treated/exposed patients. |
cov.quanti |
The name(s) of the variable(s) related to the possible quantitative covariates. These variables must be numeric. |
cov.quali |
The name(s) of the variable(s) related to the possible qualitative covariates. These variables must be numeric with two levels: 0 and 1. A complete disjunctive form must be used for covariates with more levels. |
keep |
A logical value indicating whether variable related to the exposure/treatment is kept in the penalized regression (elasticnet or lasso). The default value is |
data |
A data frame in which to look for the variable related to the outcome, the treatment/exposure and the covariables. |
effect |
The type of the marginal effect to be estimated. Three types are possible (see details): "ATE" (by default), "ATT" and "ATU". |
tuneLength |
It defines the total number of parameter combinations that will be evaluated in the machine learning techniques. The default value is 10. |
cv |
The number of splits for cross-validation. The default value is 10. |
iterations |
The number of bootstrap resamples to estimate of the variances and confidence intervals. |
n.cluster |
The number of cores to use, i.e., the upper limit for the number of child processes that run simultaneously (1 by default). |
cluster.type |
A character string with the type of parallelization. The default type is "PSOCK" (it calls makePSOCKcluster, faster on MacOS or Linux platforms). An alternative is "FORK" (it calls makeForkCluster, it does not work on Windows platforms). |
The ATE corresponds to Average Treatment effect on the Entire population, i.e. the marginal effect if all the sample is treated versus all the sample is untreated. The ATT corresponds to Average Treatment effect on the Treated, i.e. the marginal effect if the treated patients (group = 1
) would have been untreated. The ATU corresponds to Average Treatment effect on the Untreated , i.e. the marginal effect if the untreated patients (group = 0
) would have been treated. The Super Learner includes the following machine learning techniques: logistic regression with Lasso penalization, logistic regression with Elasticnet penalization, neural network with one hidden layer, and support vector machine with radial basis, as explained in details by Chatton et al. (2020).
missing |
Number of deleted observations due to missing data. |
effect |
A character string with the type of the marginal effect. |
p0 |
A table related to the average proportion of events in the unexposed/untreated sample: |
p1 |
A table related to the average proportion of events in the exposed/treated sample: |
delta |
A table related to the difference between the average proportions of events in the exposed/treated sample minus in the unexposed/untreated sample: |
logOR |
A table related to the logarithm of the average Odds Ratio (OR): |
p.value |
The p-value of the bilateral test of the null hypothesis |
Yohann Foucher <[email protected]>
Le Borgne et al. G-computation and machine learning for estimating the causal effects of binary exposure statuses on binary outcomes. Scientific Reports. 11(1):1435. 2021. <doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-81110-0>
#data simulation #treatment = 1 if the patients have been the exposure or treatment of interest and 0 otherwise #treatment <- rbinom(200, 1, prob=0.5) #one quantitative covariate #covariate1 <- rnorm(200, 0, 1) #covariate1[treatment==1] <- rnorm(sum(treatment==1), 0.3, 1) #one qualitative covariate #covariate2 <- rbinom(200, 1, prob=0.5) #covariate2[treatment==1] <- rbinom(sum(treatment==1), 1, prob=0.4) #outcome <- rbinom(200, 1, prob = exp(-2+0.26*treatment+0.4*covariate1- #0.4*covariate2)/(1+exp( -2+0.26*treatment+0.4*covariate1-0.4*covariate2))) #tab <- data.frame(outcome, treatment, covariate1, covariate2) #Raw effect of the treatment #glm.raw <- glm(outcome ~ treatment, data=tab, family = binomial(link=logit)) #summary(glm.raw) #Conditional effect of the treatment #glm.multi <- glm(outcome ~ treatment + covariate1 + covariate2, # data=tab, family = binomial(link=logit)) #summary(glm.multi) #Marginal effects of the treatment (ATE) by using logistic regression as the Q-model #gc.ate1 <- gc.logistic(glm.obj=glm.multi, data=tab, group="treatment", effect="ATE", # var.method="bootstrap", iterations=1000, n.cluster=1) #Marginal effects of the treatment (ATE) by using a super learner as the Q-model #gc.ate2 <- gc.sl.binary(outcome="outcome", group="treatment", cov.quanti="covariate1", # cov.quali="covariate2", data=tab, effect="ATE", tuneLength=10, cv=3, # iterations=1000, n.cluster=1) #Sum-up of the 3 ORs #data.frame( raw=exp(glm.raw$coefficients[2]), #conditional=exp(glm.multi$coefficients[2]), #marginal.ate.logistic=exp(gc.ate1$logOR[,1]), #marginal.ate.sl=exp(gc.ate2$logOR[,1]) )
#data simulation #treatment = 1 if the patients have been the exposure or treatment of interest and 0 otherwise #treatment <- rbinom(200, 1, prob=0.5) #one quantitative covariate #covariate1 <- rnorm(200, 0, 1) #covariate1[treatment==1] <- rnorm(sum(treatment==1), 0.3, 1) #one qualitative covariate #covariate2 <- rbinom(200, 1, prob=0.5) #covariate2[treatment==1] <- rbinom(sum(treatment==1), 1, prob=0.4) #outcome <- rbinom(200, 1, prob = exp(-2+0.26*treatment+0.4*covariate1- #0.4*covariate2)/(1+exp( -2+0.26*treatment+0.4*covariate1-0.4*covariate2))) #tab <- data.frame(outcome, treatment, covariate1, covariate2) #Raw effect of the treatment #glm.raw <- glm(outcome ~ treatment, data=tab, family = binomial(link=logit)) #summary(glm.raw) #Conditional effect of the treatment #glm.multi <- glm(outcome ~ treatment + covariate1 + covariate2, # data=tab, family = binomial(link=logit)) #summary(glm.multi) #Marginal effects of the treatment (ATE) by using logistic regression as the Q-model #gc.ate1 <- gc.logistic(glm.obj=glm.multi, data=tab, group="treatment", effect="ATE", # var.method="bootstrap", iterations=1000, n.cluster=1) #Marginal effects of the treatment (ATE) by using a super learner as the Q-model #gc.ate2 <- gc.sl.binary(outcome="outcome", group="treatment", cov.quanti="covariate1", # cov.quali="covariate2", data=tab, effect="ATE", tuneLength=10, cv=3, # iterations=1000, n.cluster=1) #Sum-up of the 3 ORs #data.frame( raw=exp(glm.raw$coefficients[2]), #conditional=exp(glm.multi$coefficients[2]), #marginal.ate.logistic=exp(gc.ate1$logOR[,1]), #marginal.ate.sl=exp(gc.ate2$logOR[,1]) )
This function allows to estimate the marginal effect of an exposure or a treatment by G-computation for a censored times-to-event, the Q-model being specified by a Cox model.
gc.survival(object, data, group, times, failures, max.time, effect, iterations, n.cluster, cluster.type)
gc.survival(object, data, group, times, failures, max.time, effect, iterations, n.cluster, cluster.type)
object |
A coxph object obtained by using the function |
data |
A data frame in which to look for the variables related to the status of the event (observed or censored), the follow-up time, the treatment/exposure and the covariables included in the previous model |
group |
The name of the variable related to the exposure/treatment. This variable shall have only two modalities encoded 0 for the untreated/unexposed patients and 1 for the treated/exposed ones. |
times |
The name of the variable related the numeric vector with the follow-up times. |
failures |
The name of the variable related the numeric vector with the event indicators (0=right censored, 1=event). |
max.time |
The maximum time of follow-up to estimate of restricted mean survival time (RMST). |
effect |
The type of marginal effect to be estimated. Three types are possible (see details): "ATE" (by default), "ATT" and "ATU". |
iterations |
The number of bootstrap resamples to estimate of the variances and the confidence intervals. |
n.cluster |
The number of cores to use, i.e., the upper limit for the number of child processes that run simultaneously (1 by default). |
cluster.type |
A character string with the type of parallelization. The default type is "PSOCK" (it calls makePSOCKcluster, faster on MacOS or Linux platforms). An alternative is "FORK" (it calls makeForkCluster, it does not work on Windows platforms). |
The ATE corresponds to Average Treatment effect on the Entire population, i.e. the marginal effect if all the sample is treated versus all the sample is untreated. The ATT corresponds to Average Treatment effect on the Treated, i.e. the marginal effect if the treated patients (group
= 1) would have been untreated. The ATU corresponds to Average Treatment effect on the Untreated , i.e. the marginal effect if the untreated patients (group
= 0) would have been treated. The RMST is the mean survival time of all subjects in the study population followed up to max.time
table.surv |
This data frame presents the survival probabilities ( |
effect |
A character string with the type of selected effect. |
max.time |
A scalar related to the maximum time of follow-up. |
A table related to the RMST in the unexposed/untreated sample: |
A table related to the RMST in the exposed/treated sample: |
delta |
A table related to the difference between the RMST in the exposed/treated sample minus in the unexposed/untreated one: |
logHR |
A table related to the logarithm of the average Hazard Ratio (HR): |
Yohann Foucher <[email protected]>
Arthur Chatton <[email protected]>
Chatton et al. G-computation and doubly robust standardisation for continuous-time data: A comparison with inverse probability weighting. Stat Methods Med Res. 31(4):706-718. 2022. <doi: 10.1177/09622802211047345>.
data(dataDIVAT2) #Raw effect of the treatment cox.raw <- coxph(Surv(times,failures) ~ ecd, data=dataDIVAT2, x=TRUE) summary(cox.raw) #Conditional effect of the treatment cox.cdt <- coxph(Surv(times,failures) ~ ecd + age + retransplant, data=dataDIVAT2, x=TRUE) summary(cox.cdt) #Marginal effect of the treatment (ATE): use 1000 iterations instead of 10 #We restricted to 10 to respect the CRAN policy in terms of time for computation gc.ate <- gc.survival(object=cox.cdt, data=dataDIVAT2, group="ecd", times="times", failures="failures", max.time=max(dataDIVAT2$times), iterations=10, effect="ATE", n.cluster=1) gc.ate #Sum-up of the 3 HRs data.frame( raw=exp(cox.raw$coefficients), conditional=exp(cox.cdt$coefficients[1]), marginal.ate=exp(gc.ate$logHR[,1]) ) #Plot the survival curves plot(gc.ate, ylab="Confounder-adjusted survival", xlab="Time post-transplantation (years)", col=c(1,2))
data(dataDIVAT2) #Raw effect of the treatment cox.raw <- coxph(Surv(times,failures) ~ ecd, data=dataDIVAT2, x=TRUE) summary(cox.raw) #Conditional effect of the treatment cox.cdt <- coxph(Surv(times,failures) ~ ecd + age + retransplant, data=dataDIVAT2, x=TRUE) summary(cox.cdt) #Marginal effect of the treatment (ATE): use 1000 iterations instead of 10 #We restricted to 10 to respect the CRAN policy in terms of time for computation gc.ate <- gc.survival(object=cox.cdt, data=dataDIVAT2, group="ecd", times="times", failures="failures", max.time=max(dataDIVAT2$times), iterations=10, effect="ATE", n.cluster=1) gc.ate #Sum-up of the 3 HRs data.frame( raw=exp(cox.raw$coefficients), conditional=exp(cox.cdt$coefficients[1]), marginal.ate=exp(gc.ate$logHR[,1]) ) #Plot the survival curves plot(gc.ate, ylab="Confounder-adjusted survival", xlab="Time post-transplantation (years)", col=c(1,2))
The user enters individual survival data and the weights previously calculated (by using logistic regression for instance). The usual log-rank test is adapted to the corresponding adjusted survival curves.
ipw.log.rank(times, failures, variable, weights)
ipw.log.rank(times, failures, variable, weights)
times |
A numeric vector with the follow up times. |
failures |
A numeric vector with the event indicator (0=right censored, 1=event). |
variable |
A numeric vector with the binary variable under interest (only two groups). |
weights |
The weights for correcting the contribution of each individual. By default, the weights are all equaled to 1 and the survival curves correspond to the usual Kaplan-Meier estimator. |
For instance, the weights
may be equal to 1/p
, where p
is the estimated probability of the individual to be in its group. The probabilities p
are often estimated by a logistic regression in which the dependent binary variable is the group. The possible confounding factors are the explanatory variables of this model.
statistic |
The value of the log-rank statistic. |
p.value |
The p-value associated to the previous log-rank statistic. |
Yohann Foucher <[email protected]>
Jun Xie <[email protected]>
Florant Le Borgne <[email protected]>
Le Borgne et al. Comparisons of the performances of different statistical tests for time-to-event analysis with confounding factors: practical illustrations in kidney transplantation. Statistics in medicine. 30;35(7):1103-16, 2016. <doi:10.1002/ sim.6777>
Jun Xie and Chaofeng Liu. Adjusted Kaplan-Meier estimator and log-rank test with inverse probability of treatment weighting for survival data. Statistics in medicine, 24(20):3089-3110, 2005. <doi:10.1002/sim.2174>
data(dataDIVAT2) # adjusted log-rank test Pr0 <- glm(ecd ~ 1, family = binomial(link="logit"), data=dataDIVAT2)$fitted.values[1] Pr1 <- glm(ecd ~ age + hla + retransplant, data=dataDIVAT2, family=binomial(link = "logit"))$fitted.values W <- (dataDIVAT2$ecd==1) * (1/Pr1) + (dataDIVAT2$ecd==0) * (1)/(1-Pr1) ipw.log.rank(dataDIVAT2$times, dataDIVAT2$failures, dataDIVAT2$ecd, W)
data(dataDIVAT2) # adjusted log-rank test Pr0 <- glm(ecd ~ 1, family = binomial(link="logit"), data=dataDIVAT2)$fitted.values[1] Pr1 <- glm(ecd ~ age + hla + retransplant, data=dataDIVAT2, family=binomial(link = "logit"))$fitted.values W <- (dataDIVAT2$ecd==1) * (1/Pr1) + (dataDIVAT2$ecd==0) * (1)/(1-Pr1) ipw.log.rank(dataDIVAT2$times, dataDIVAT2$failures, dataDIVAT2$ecd, W)
This function allows to estimate confounder-adjusted survival curves by weighting the individual contributions by the inverse of the probability to be in the group (IPW).
ipw.survival(times, failures, variable, weights)
ipw.survival(times, failures, variable, weights)
times |
A numeric vector with the follow up times. |
failures |
A numeric vector with the event indicators (0=right censored, 1=event). |
variable |
A numeric vector with the binary variable under interest (only two groups). |
weights |
The weights for correcting the contribution of each individual. By default, the weights are all equaled to 1 and the survival curves correspond to the usual Kaplan-Meier estimator. |
For instance, the weights
may be equal to 1/p
, where p
is the estimated probability of the individual to be in its group. The probabilities p
are often estimated by a logistic regression in which the dependent binary variable is the group. The possible confounding factors are the covariates of this model.
table.surv |
This data frame presents the survival probabilities ( |
Yohann Foucher <[email protected]>
Florent Le Borgne <[email protected]>
Le Borgne et al. Comparisons of the performances of different statistical tests for time-to-event analysis with confounding factors: practical illustrations in kidney transplantation. Statistics in medicine. 30;35(7):1103-16, 2016. <doi:10.1002/ sim.6777>
data(dataDIVAT2) # adjusted Kaplan-Meier estimator by IPW Pr0 <- glm(ecd ~ 1, family = binomial(link="logit"), data=dataDIVAT2)$fitted.values[1] Pr1 <- glm(ecd ~ age + hla + retransplant, data=dataDIVAT2, family=binomial(link = "logit"))$fitted.values W <- (dataDIVAT2$ecd==1) * (1/Pr1) + (dataDIVAT2$ecd==0) * (1)/(1-Pr1) res.akm <-ipw.survival(times=dataDIVAT2$times, failures=dataDIVAT2$failures, variable=dataDIVAT2$ecd, weights=W) plot(res.akm, ylab="Confounder-adjusted survival", xlab="Time post-transplantation (years)", col=c(1,2), grid.lty=1)
data(dataDIVAT2) # adjusted Kaplan-Meier estimator by IPW Pr0 <- glm(ecd ~ 1, family = binomial(link="logit"), data=dataDIVAT2)$fitted.values[1] Pr1 <- glm(ecd ~ age + hla + retransplant, data=dataDIVAT2, family=binomial(link = "logit"))$fitted.values W <- (dataDIVAT2$ecd==1) * (1/Pr1) + (dataDIVAT2$ecd==0) * (1)/(1-Pr1) res.akm <-ipw.survival(times=dataDIVAT2$times, failures=dataDIVAT2$failures, variable=dataDIVAT2$ecd, weights=W) plot(res.akm, ylab="Confounder-adjusted survival", xlab="Time post-transplantation (years)", col=c(1,2), grid.lty=1)
Used to add an additionnal ROC curve to ROC plot generated with plot.rocrisca
## S3 method for class 'rocrisca' lines(x, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rocrisca' lines(x, ...)
x |
An object of class |
... |
Additional arguments affecting the plot line. |
Yohann Foucher <[email protected]>
# import and attach the data example data(dataDIVAT3) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this exemple dataDIVAT3 <- dataDIVAT3[1:400,] # The ROC curve to evaluate the crude capacities of the recipient age for the # prognosis of post kidney transplant mortality (we ignore the censoring process) roc1 <- roc.binary(status="death", variable="ageR", confounders=~1, data=dataDIVAT3, precision=seq(0.1,0.9, by=0.1) ) # The standardized and weighted ROC curve to evaluate the capacities # of the recipient age for the prognosis of post kidney transplant # mortality by taking into account the donor age and the recipient # gender (we ignore the censoring process). # 1. Standardize the marker according to the covariates among the controls lm1 <- lm(ageR ~ ageD + sexeR, data=dataDIVAT3[dataDIVAT3$death == 0,]) dataDIVAT3$ageR_std <- (dataDIVAT3$ageR - (lm1$coef[1] + lm1$coef[2] * dataDIVAT3$ageD + lm1$coef[3] * dataDIVAT3$sexeR)) / sd(lm1$residuals) # 2. Compute the sensitivity and specificity from the proposed IPW estimators roc2 <- roc.binary(status="death", variable="ageR_std", confounders=~bs(ageD, df=3) + sexeR, data=dataDIVAT3, precision=seq(0.1,0.9, by=0.1)) # The corresponding ROC graph plot(roc2, type="b", col=2, pch=2, lty=2) lines(roc1, type="b", col=1, pch=1) legend("bottomright", lty=1:2, lwd=1, pch=1:2, col=1:2, c(paste("Crude estimation, (AUC=", round(roc1$auc, 2), ")", sep=""), paste("Adjusted estimation, (AUC=", round(roc2$auc, 2), ")", sep="") ) )
# import and attach the data example data(dataDIVAT3) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this exemple dataDIVAT3 <- dataDIVAT3[1:400,] # The ROC curve to evaluate the crude capacities of the recipient age for the # prognosis of post kidney transplant mortality (we ignore the censoring process) roc1 <- roc.binary(status="death", variable="ageR", confounders=~1, data=dataDIVAT3, precision=seq(0.1,0.9, by=0.1) ) # The standardized and weighted ROC curve to evaluate the capacities # of the recipient age for the prognosis of post kidney transplant # mortality by taking into account the donor age and the recipient # gender (we ignore the censoring process). # 1. Standardize the marker according to the covariates among the controls lm1 <- lm(ageR ~ ageD + sexeR, data=dataDIVAT3[dataDIVAT3$death == 0,]) dataDIVAT3$ageR_std <- (dataDIVAT3$ageR - (lm1$coef[1] + lm1$coef[2] * dataDIVAT3$ageD + lm1$coef[3] * dataDIVAT3$sexeR)) / sd(lm1$residuals) # 2. Compute the sensitivity and specificity from the proposed IPW estimators roc2 <- roc.binary(status="death", variable="ageR_std", confounders=~bs(ageD, df=3) + sexeR, data=dataDIVAT3, precision=seq(0.1,0.9, by=0.1)) # The corresponding ROC graph plot(roc2, type="b", col=2, pch=2, lty=2) lines(roc1, type="b", col=1, pch=1) legend("bottomright", lty=1:2, lwd=1, pch=1:2, col=1:2, c(paste("Crude estimation, (AUC=", round(roc1$auc, 2), ")", sep=""), paste("Adjusted estimation, (AUC=", round(roc2$auc, 2), ")", sep="") ) )
This function computes a Likelihood Ratio Statistic to compare two embedded multistate models.
lrs.multistate(model1, model0)
lrs.multistate(model1, model0)
model1 |
A list containing the results after using a function included in the present |
model0 |
A list containing the results after using a function included in the present |
statistic |
The value of the statistic. |
ddl |
The degrees of freedom. |
pvalue |
The p-value. |
Yohann Foucher <[email protected]>
Florence Gillaizeau <[email protected]>
data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) set.seed(2) d3<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 250, replace = FALSE),] # To illustrate the use of a 3-state model, individuals with trajectory 13 and 123 are # censored at the time of transition into state X=3 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==13]<-1 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==123]<-12 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==14]<-13 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==124]<-123 # 3-state parametric semi-Markov model : does 'z' influence both the # transition 1->3 ? We only reduced the precision and the number of iteration # to save time in this example, prefere the default values. m1 <- semi.markov.3states(times1=d3$time1, times2=d3$time2, sequences=d3$trajectory, dist=c("E","E","E"), ini.dist.12=c(9.93), ini.dist.13=c(11.54), ini.dist.23=c(10.21), cov.12=d3$z, init.cov.12=c(-0.13), names.12=c("beta12_z"), cov.13=d3$z, init.cov.13=c(1.61), names.13=c("beta13_z"), conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE, precision=0.001) m1 m0 <- semi.markov.3states(times1=d3$time1, times2=d3$time2, sequences=d3$trajectory, dist=c("E","E","E"), ini.dist.12=c(9.93), ini.dist.13=c(11.54), ini.dist.23=c(10.21), cov.12=d3$z, init.cov.12=c(-0.13), names.12=c("beta12_z"), conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE, precision=0.001) m0 lrs.multistate(model1=m1, model0=m0)
data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) set.seed(2) d3<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 250, replace = FALSE),] # To illustrate the use of a 3-state model, individuals with trajectory 13 and 123 are # censored at the time of transition into state X=3 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==13]<-1 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==123]<-12 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==14]<-13 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==124]<-123 # 3-state parametric semi-Markov model : does 'z' influence both the # transition 1->3 ? We only reduced the precision and the number of iteration # to save time in this example, prefere the default values. m1 <- semi.markov.3states(times1=d3$time1, times2=d3$time2, sequences=d3$trajectory, dist=c("E","E","E"), ini.dist.12=c(9.93), ini.dist.13=c(11.54), ini.dist.23=c(10.21), cov.12=d3$z, init.cov.12=c(-0.13), names.12=c("beta12_z"), cov.13=d3$z, init.cov.13=c(1.61), names.13=c("beta13_z"), conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE, precision=0.001) m1 m0 <- semi.markov.3states(times1=d3$time1, times2=d3$time2, sequences=d3$trajectory, dist=c("E","E","E"), ini.dist.12=c(9.93), ini.dist.13=c(11.54), ini.dist.23=c(10.21), cov.12=d3$z, init.cov.12=c(-0.13), names.12=c("beta12_z"), conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE, precision=0.001) m0 lrs.multistate(model1=m1, model0=m0)
The 3-state Markov model includes an initial state (X=1), a transient state (X=2) and an absorbing state (X=3). Usually, X=1 corresponds to disease-free or remission, X=2 to relapse, and X=3 to death. In this illness-death model, the possible transitions are: 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3.
markov.3states(times1, times2, sequences, weights=NULL, dist, cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, cuts.23=NULL, ini.dist.12=NULL, ini.dist.13=NULL, ini.dist.23=NULL, cov.12=NULL, init.cov.12=NULL, names.12=NULL, cov.13=NULL, init.cov.13=NULL, names.13=NULL, cov.23=NULL, init.cov.23=NULL, names.23=NULL, conf.int=TRUE, silent=TRUE, precision=10^(-6))
markov.3states(times1, times2, sequences, weights=NULL, dist, cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, cuts.23=NULL, ini.dist.12=NULL, ini.dist.13=NULL, ini.dist.23=NULL, cov.12=NULL, init.cov.12=NULL, names.12=NULL, cov.13=NULL, init.cov.13=NULL, names.13=NULL, cov.23=NULL, init.cov.23=NULL, names.23=NULL, conf.int=TRUE, silent=TRUE, precision=10^(-6))
times1 |
A numeric vector with the observed times (in days) from baseline to the first transition (in X=2 or X=3) or to the right-censoring (in X=1 at the last follow-up). |
times2 |
A numeric vector with the observed times (in days) from baseline to the second transition (in X=3) or to the right censoring (in X=2 at the last follow-up). |
sequences |
A numeric vector with the sequences of observed states. Four possible values are allowed: 1 (individual right-censored in X=1), 12 (individual right-censored in X=2), 13 (individual who directly transited from X=1 to X=3), 123 (individual who transited from X=1 to X=3 through X=2). |
weights |
A numeric vector with the weights for correcting the contribution of each individual. Default is |
dist |
A character vector with three arguments describing respectively the distributions of duration time for transitions 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3. Arguments allowed are |
cuts.12 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=2. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.13 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=3. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.23 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=3. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
ini.dist.12 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=2. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.dist.13 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=3. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.dist.23 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=2 to X=3. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
cov.12 |
A matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=2. |
init.cov.12 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.12 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.13 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=3. |
init.cov.13 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.13 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.23 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=2 to X=3. |
init.cov.23 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.23 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
conf.int |
A logical value specifying if the pointwise confidence intervals for parameters and the variance-covariance matrix should be returned. Default is |
silent |
A logical value specifying if the log-likelihood value should be returned at each iteration. Default is |
precision |
A numeric positive value indicating the required precision for the log-likelihood maximization between each iteration. Default is |
Hazard functions available are:
Exponential distribution | |
Weibull distribution | |
Generalized Weibull distribution |
with ,
. The parameter
varies for each interval when the distribution is piecewise Exponential. We advise to initialize the logarithm of these parameters in
, ini.dist.13
and ini.dist.23
To estimate the marginal effect of a binary exposure, the weights
may be equal to 1/p
, where p
is the estimated probability that the individual belongs to his or her own observed group of exposure. The probabilities p
are often estimated by a logistic regression in which the dependent binary variable is the exposure. The possible confounding factors are the explanatory variables of this logistic model.
object |
The character string indicating the estimated model: "markov.3states (3-state time-inhomogeneous markov model)". |
dist |
A character vector with two arguments describing respectively the distributions of duration time for transitions 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3. |
cuts.12 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=2. |
cuts.13 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=3. |
cuts.23 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=3. |
covariates |
A numeric vector indicating the numbers of covariates respectively related to the transition 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3. |
table |
A data frame containing the estimated parameters of the model ( |
cov.matrix |
A data frame corresponding to variance-covariance matrix of the parameters. |
LogLik |
A numeric value corresponding to the (weighted) log-likelihood of the model. |
A numeric value corresponding to the Akaike Information Criterion of the model. |
Yohann Foucher <[email protected]>
Florence Gillaizeau <[email protected]>
Huszti et al. Relative survival multistate Markov model. Stat Med. 10;31(3):269-86, 2012. <DOI: 10.1002/sim.4392>
Gillaizeau et al. Inverse Probability Weighting to control confounding in an illness-death model for interval-censored data. Stat Med. 37(8):1245-1258, 2018. <doi: 10.1002/sim.7550>.
# import the observed data # X=1 corresponds to initial state with a functioning graft, X=2 to acute rejection episode, # X=3 to return to dialysis, and X=4 to death with a functioning graft data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) set.seed(2) d3<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 300, replace = FALSE),] # Individuals with trajectory 13 and 123 are # censored at the time of transition into state X=3 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==13]<-1 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==123]<-12 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==14]<-13 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==124]<-123 # 3-state parametric Markov model including one explicative variable # (z is the delayed graft function) on the transition 1->2. We only reduced # the precision and the number of iteration to save time in this example, # prefer the default values. markov.3states(times1=d3$time1, times2=d3$time2, sequences=d3$trajectory, weights=NULL, dist=c("E","E","E"), ini.dist.12=c(9.93), ini.dist.13=c(11.54), ini.dist.23=c(10.21), cov.12=d3$z, init.cov.12=c(-0.13), names.12=c("beta12_z"), conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE, precision=0.001)
# import the observed data # X=1 corresponds to initial state with a functioning graft, X=2 to acute rejection episode, # X=3 to return to dialysis, and X=4 to death with a functioning graft data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) set.seed(2) d3<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 300, replace = FALSE),] # Individuals with trajectory 13 and 123 are # censored at the time of transition into state X=3 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==13]<-1 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==123]<-12 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==14]<-13 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==124]<-123 # 3-state parametric Markov model including one explicative variable # (z is the delayed graft function) on the transition 1->2. We only reduced # the precision and the number of iteration to save time in this example, # prefer the default values. markov.3states(times1=d3$time1, times2=d3$time2, sequences=d3$trajectory, weights=NULL, dist=c("E","E","E"), ini.dist.12=c(9.93), ini.dist.13=c(11.54), ini.dist.23=c(10.21), cov.12=d3$z, init.cov.12=c(-0.13), names.12=c("beta12_z"), conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE, precision=0.001)
The 3-state Markov relative survival model includes an initial state (X=1), a transient state (X=2), and the death (X=3). The possible transitions are: 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3. Assuming additive risks, the observed mortality hazard is the sum of two components: the expected population mortality (X=P) and the excess mortality related to the disease under study (X=E). The expected population mortality hazard (X=P) can be obtained from the death rates provided by life tables of statistical national institutes. These tables indicate the proportion of people dead in a calendar year stratified by birthdate and gender.
markov.3states.rsadd(times1, times2, sequences, weights=NULL, dist, cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, cuts.23=NULL, ini.dist.12=NULL, ini.dist.13=NULL, ini.dist.23=NULL, cov.12=NULL, init.cov.12=NULL, names.12=NULL, cov.13=NULL, init.cov.13=NULL, names.13=NULL, cov.23=NULL, init.cov.23=NULL, names.23=NULL, p.age, p.sex, p.year, p.rate.table, conf.int=TRUE, silent=TRUE, precision=10^(-6))
markov.3states.rsadd(times1, times2, sequences, weights=NULL, dist, cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, cuts.23=NULL, ini.dist.12=NULL, ini.dist.13=NULL, ini.dist.23=NULL, cov.12=NULL, init.cov.12=NULL, names.12=NULL, cov.13=NULL, init.cov.13=NULL, names.13=NULL, cov.23=NULL, init.cov.23=NULL, names.23=NULL, p.age, p.sex, p.year, p.rate.table, conf.int=TRUE, silent=TRUE, precision=10^(-6))
times1 |
A numeric vector with the observed times in days from baseline to the first transition (X=2 or X=3) or to the right-censoring (in X=1 at the last follow-up). |
times2 |
A numeric vector with the observed times in days from baseline to the second transition or to the right censoring (in X=2 at the last follow-up). |
sequences |
A numeric vector with the sequences of observed states. Four possible values are allowed: 1 (individual right-censored in X=1), 12 (individual right-censored in X=2), 13 (individual who directly transited from X=1 to X=3), 123 (individual who transited from X=1 to X=3 through X=2). |
weights |
A numeric vector with the weights for correcting the contribution of each individual. Default is |
dist |
A character vector with three arguments describing respectively the distributions of duration time for transitions 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3. Arguments allowed are |
cuts.12 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=2. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.13 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=3. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.23 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=3. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
ini.dist.12 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=2. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.dist.13 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=3. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.dist.23 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=2 to X=3. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
cov.12 |
A matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=2. |
init.cov.12 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.12 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.13 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=3. |
init.cov.13 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.13 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.23 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=2 to X=3. |
init.cov.23 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.23 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
p.age |
A numeric vector with the patient ages in days at baseline (X=1). |
p.sex |
A character vector with the genders: |
p.year |
A numeric vector with the entry dates in the study respecting the date format, i.e. in number of days since 01.01.1960. |
p.rate.table |
A list containing the information related to the expected rates of mortality. This list is organized as a |
conf.int |
A logical value specifying if the pointwise confidence intervals for parameters and the variance-covariance matrix should be returned. Default is |
silent |
A logical value specifying if the log-likelihood value should be returned at each iteration. Default is |
precision |
A numeric positive value indicating the required precision for the log-likelihood maximization between each iteration. Default is |
Hazard functions available are:
Exponential distribution | |
Weibull distribution | |
Generalized Weibull distribution |
with ,
. The parameter
varies for each interval when the distribution is piecewise Exponential. We advise to initialize the logarithm of these parameters in
, ini.dist.13
and ini.dist.23
To estimate the marginal effect of a binary exposure, the weights
may be equal to 1/p
, where p
is the estimated probability that the individual belongs to his or her own observed group of exposure. The probabilities p
are often estimated by a logistic regression in which the dependent binary variable is the exposure. The possible confounding factors are the explanatory variables of this logistic model.
object |
The character string indicating the estimated model: "markov.3states.rsadd (3-state time-inhomogeneous markov model)". |
dist |
A character vector with two arguments describing respectively the distributions of duration time for transitions 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3. |
cuts.12 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=2. |
cuts.13 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=3. |
cuts.23 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=3. |
covariates |
A numeric vector indicating the numbers of covariates respectively related to the transition 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3. |
table |
A data frame containing the estimated parameters of the model ( |
cov.matrix |
A data frame corresponding to variance-covariance matrix of the parameters. |
LogLik |
A numeric value corresponding to the log-likelihood of the estimated model. |
A numeric value corresponding to the Akaike Information Criterion of the estimated model. |
Yohann Foucher <[email protected]>
Florence Gillaizeau <[email protected]>
Huszti et al. Relative survival multistate Markov model. Stat Med. 10;31(3):269-86, 2012. <DOI: 10.1002/sim.4392>
Gillaizeau et al. A multistate additive relative survival semi-Markov model. Stat Methods Med Res. 26(4):1700-1711, 2017. <doi: 10.1177/ 0962280215586456>.
Gillaizeau et al. Inverse Probability Weighting to control confounding in an illness-death model for interval-censored data. Stat Med. 37(8):1245-1258, 2018. <doi: 10.1002/sim.7550>.
# import the observed data # (X=1 corresponds to initial state with a functioning graft, X=2 to acute rejection episode, # X=3 to return to dialysis, X=4 to death with a functioning graft) data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) set.seed(2) d3<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 200, replace = FALSE),] # Individuals with trajectory 13 and 123 are # censored at the time of transition into state X=3 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==13]<-1 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==123]<-12 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==14]<-13 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==124]<-123 # import the expected mortality rates data(fr.ratetable) # 3-state Markov model with additive risks including one explicative variable # (z is the delayed graft function) on all transitions. We only reduced # the precision and the number of iteration to save time in this example, # prefer the default values. markov.3states.rsadd(times1=d3$time1, times2=d3$time2, sequences=d3$trajectory, dist=c("E","E","E"), ini.dist.12=c(8.34), ini.dist.13=c(10.70), ini.dist.23=c(11.10), cov.12=d3$z, init.cov.12=c(0.04), names.12=c("beta12_z"), cov.13=d3$z, init.cov.13=c(1.04), names.13=c("beta1E_z"), cov.23=d3$z, init.cov.23=c(0.29), names.23=c("beta2E_z"), p.age=d3$ageR*365.24, p.sex=d3$sexR, p.year=as.numeric(as.Date(paste0(d3$year.tx,"-01-01"), origin = "1960-01-01")), p.rate.table=fr.ratetable, conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE, precision=0.001)
# import the observed data # (X=1 corresponds to initial state with a functioning graft, X=2 to acute rejection episode, # X=3 to return to dialysis, X=4 to death with a functioning graft) data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) set.seed(2) d3<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 200, replace = FALSE),] # Individuals with trajectory 13 and 123 are # censored at the time of transition into state X=3 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==13]<-1 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==123]<-12 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==14]<-13 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==124]<-123 # import the expected mortality rates data(fr.ratetable) # 3-state Markov model with additive risks including one explicative variable # (z is the delayed graft function) on all transitions. We only reduced # the precision and the number of iteration to save time in this example, # prefer the default values. markov.3states.rsadd(times1=d3$time1, times2=d3$time2, sequences=d3$trajectory, dist=c("E","E","E"), ini.dist.12=c(8.34), ini.dist.13=c(10.70), ini.dist.23=c(11.10), cov.12=d3$z, init.cov.12=c(0.04), names.12=c("beta12_z"), cov.13=d3$z, init.cov.13=c(1.04), names.13=c("beta1E_z"), cov.23=d3$z, init.cov.23=c(0.29), names.23=c("beta2E_z"), p.age=d3$ageR*365.24, p.sex=d3$sexR, p.year=as.numeric(as.Date(paste0(d3$year.tx,"-01-01"), origin = "1960-01-01")), p.rate.table=fr.ratetable, conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE, precision=0.001)
The 4-state Markov model includes an initial state (X=1), a transient state (X=2) and two absorbing states (X=3 and X=4). The possible transitions are: 1->2, 1->3, 1->4, 2->3 and 2->4.
markov.4states(times1, times2, sequences, weights=NULL, dist, cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, cuts.14=NULL, cuts.23=NULL, cuts.24=NULL, ini.base.12=NULL, ini.base.13=NULL, ini.base.14=NULL, ini.base.23=NULL, ini.base.24=NULL, cov.12=NULL, init.cov.12=NULL, names.12=NULL, cov.13=NULL, init.cov.13=NULL, names.13=NULL, cov.14=NULL, init.cov.14=NULL, names.14=NULL, cov.23=NULL, init.cov.23=NULL, names.23=NULL, cov.24=NULL, init.cov.24=NULL, names.24=NULL, conf.int=TRUE, silent=TRUE, precision=10^(-6))
markov.4states(times1, times2, sequences, weights=NULL, dist, cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, cuts.14=NULL, cuts.23=NULL, cuts.24=NULL, ini.base.12=NULL, ini.base.13=NULL, ini.base.14=NULL, ini.base.23=NULL, ini.base.24=NULL, cov.12=NULL, init.cov.12=NULL, names.12=NULL, cov.13=NULL, init.cov.13=NULL, names.13=NULL, cov.14=NULL, init.cov.14=NULL, names.14=NULL, cov.23=NULL, init.cov.23=NULL, names.23=NULL, cov.24=NULL, init.cov.24=NULL, names.24=NULL, conf.int=TRUE, silent=TRUE, precision=10^(-6))
times1 |
A numeric vector with the observed times in days from baseline to the first transition (X=2, X=3 or X=4) or to the right-censoring (in X=1 at the last follow-up). |
times2 |
A numeric vector with the observed times in days from baseline to the second transition or to the right censoring (in X=2 at the last follow-up). |
sequences |
a numeric vector with the sequences of observed states. Six possible values are allowed: 1 (individual right-censored in X=1), 12 (individual right-censored in X=2), 13 (individual who directly transited from X=1 to X=3), 14 (individual who directly transited from X=1 to X=4), 123 (individual who transited from X=1 to X=3 through X=2), 124 (individual who transited from X=1 to X=4 through X=2). |
weights |
A numeric vector with the weights for correcting the contribution of each individual. When the vector is completed, the IPW estimator is implemented. Default is |
dist |
A character vector with three arguments describing respectively the distributions of duration time for transitions 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3. Arguments allowed are |
cuts.12 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=2. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.13 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=3. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.14 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=4. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.23 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=3. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.24 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=4. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
ini.base.12 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=2. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.base.13 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=3. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.base.14 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=4. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.base.23 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=2 to X=3. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.base.24 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=2 to X=4. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
cov.12 |
A matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=2. |
init.cov.12 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.12 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.13 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=3. |
init.cov.13 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.13 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.14 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=4. |
init.cov.14 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.14 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.23 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=2 to X=3. |
init.cov.23 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.23 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.24 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=2 to X=4. |
init.cov.24 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.24 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
conf.int |
A logical value specifying if the pointwise confidence intervals for parameters and the variance-covariance matrix should be returned. Default is |
silent |
A logical value specifying if the log-likelihood value should be returned at each iteration. Default is |
precision |
A numeric positive value indicating the required precision for the log-likelihood maximization between each iteration. Default is |
Hazard functions available are:
Exponential distribution | |
Weibull distribution | |
Generalized Weibull distribution |
with ,
. The parameter
varies for each interval when the distribution is piecewise Exponential. We advise to initialize the logarithm of these parameters in
, ini.base.13
and ini.base.23
To estimate the marginal effect of a binary exposure, the weights
may be equal to 1/p
, where p
is the estimated probability that the individual belongs to his or her own observed group of exposure. The probabilities p
are often estimated by a logistic regression in which the dependent binary variable is the exposure. The possible confounding factors are the explanatory variables of this logistic model.
object |
A character string indicating the estimated model: "markov.4states (4-state time-inhomogeneous markov model)". |
dist |
A character vector with two arguments describing respectively the distributions of duration time for transitions 1->2, 1->3, 1->4, 2->3, and 2->4. |
cuts.12 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=2. |
cuts.13 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=3. |
cuts.14 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=4. |
cuts.23 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=3. |
cuts.24 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=4. |
covariates |
A numeric vector indicating the numbers of covariates respectively related to the transition 1->2, 1->3, 1->4, 2->3, and 2->4. |
table |
A data frame containing the estimated parameters of the model ( |
cov.matrix |
A data frame corresponding to variance-covariance matrix of the parameters. |
LogLik |
A numeric value corresponding to the log-likelihood of the estimated model. |
A numeric value corresponding to the Akaike Information Criterion of the estimated model. |
Yohann Foucher <[email protected]>
Florence Gillaizeau <[email protected]>
Huszti et al. Relative survival multistate Markov model. Stat Med. 10;31(3):269-86, 2012. <DOI: 10.1002/sim.4392>
Gillaizeau et al. Inverse Probability Weighting to control confounding in an illness-death model for interval-censored data. Stat Med. 37(8):1245-1258, 2018. <doi: 10.1002/sim.7550>.
# import the observed data # (X=1 corresponds to initial state with a functioning graft, X=2 to acute rejection episode, # X=3 to return to dialysis, X=4 to death with a functioning graft) data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) set.seed(2) d4<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 200, replace = FALSE),] # 4-state parametric Markov model including one explicative variable ('z') # on the trainsition from X=1 to X=2. We only reduced # the precision and the number of iteration to save time in this example, # prefer the default values. markov.4states(times1=d4$time1, times2=d4$time2, sequences=d4$trajectory, dist=c("E","E","E","E","E"), ini.base.12=c(8.31), ini.base.13=c(10.46), ini.base.14=c(10.83), ini.base.23=c(9.01), ini.base.24=c(10.81), cov.12=d4$z, init.cov.12=c(-0.02), names.12=c("beta12_z") , conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE, precision=0.001)$table
# import the observed data # (X=1 corresponds to initial state with a functioning graft, X=2 to acute rejection episode, # X=3 to return to dialysis, X=4 to death with a functioning graft) data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) set.seed(2) d4<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 200, replace = FALSE),] # 4-state parametric Markov model including one explicative variable ('z') # on the trainsition from X=1 to X=2. We only reduced # the precision and the number of iteration to save time in this example, # prefer the default values. markov.4states(times1=d4$time1, times2=d4$time2, sequences=d4$trajectory, dist=c("E","E","E","E","E"), ini.base.12=c(8.31), ini.base.13=c(10.46), ini.base.14=c(10.83), ini.base.23=c(9.01), ini.base.24=c(10.81), cov.12=d4$z, init.cov.12=c(-0.02), names.12=c("beta12_z") , conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE, precision=0.001)$table
The 4-state Markov relative survival model includes an initial state (X=1), a transient state (X=2), and two absorbing states including death (X=3, and X=4 for death). The possible transitions are: 1->2, 1->3, 1->4, 2->3 and 2->4. Assuming additive risks, the observed mortality hazard (X=4) is the sum of two components: the expected population mortality (X=P) and the excess mortality related to the disease under study (X=E). The expected population mortality hazard (X=P) can be obtained from the death rates provided by life tables of statistical national institutes. These tables indicate the proportion of people dead in a calendar year stratified by birthdate and gender.
markov.4states.rsadd(times1, times2, sequences, weights=NULL, dist, cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, cuts.14=NULL, cuts.23=NULL, cuts.24=NULL, ini.dist.12=NULL, ini.dist.13=NULL, ini.dist.14=NULL, ini.dist.23=NULL, ini.dist.24=NULL, cov.12=NULL, init.cov.12=NULL, names.12=NULL, cov.13=NULL, init.cov.13=NULL, names.13=NULL, cov.14=NULL, init.cov.14=NULL, names.14=NULL, cov.23=NULL, init.cov.23=NULL, names.23=NULL, cov.24=NULL, init.cov.24=NULL, names.24=NULL, p.age, p.sex, p.year, p.rate.table, conf.int=TRUE, silent=TRUE, precision=10^(-6))
markov.4states.rsadd(times1, times2, sequences, weights=NULL, dist, cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, cuts.14=NULL, cuts.23=NULL, cuts.24=NULL, ini.dist.12=NULL, ini.dist.13=NULL, ini.dist.14=NULL, ini.dist.23=NULL, ini.dist.24=NULL, cov.12=NULL, init.cov.12=NULL, names.12=NULL, cov.13=NULL, init.cov.13=NULL, names.13=NULL, cov.14=NULL, init.cov.14=NULL, names.14=NULL, cov.23=NULL, init.cov.23=NULL, names.23=NULL, cov.24=NULL, init.cov.24=NULL, names.24=NULL, p.age, p.sex, p.year, p.rate.table, conf.int=TRUE, silent=TRUE, precision=10^(-6))
times1 |
A numeric vector with the observed times in days from baseline to the first transition (X=2, X=3 or X=4) or to the right-censoring (in X=1 at the last follow-up). |
times2 |
A numeric vector with the observed times in days from baseline to the second transition or to the right censoring (in X=2 at the last follow-up). |
sequences |
A numeric vector with the sequences of observed states. Six possible values are allowed: 1 (individual right-censored in X=1), 12 (individual right-censored in X=2), 13 (individual who directly transited from X=1 to X=3), 14 (individual who directly transited from X=1 to X=4), 123 (individual who transited from X=1 to X=3 through X=2), 124 (individual who transited from X=1 to X=4 through X=2). |
weights |
a numeric vector with the weights for correcting the contribution of each individual. Default is |
dist |
A character vector with three arguments describing respectively the distributions of duration time for transitions 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3. Arguments allowed are |
cuts.12 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=2. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.13 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=3. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.14 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=4. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.23 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=3. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.24 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=4. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
ini.dist.12 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=2. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.dist.13 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=3. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.dist.14 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=4. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.dist.23 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=2 to X=3. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.dist.24 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=2 to X=4. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
cov.12 |
A matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=2. |
init.cov.12 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.12 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.13 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=3. |
init.cov.13 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.13 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.14 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=4. |
init.cov.14 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.14 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.23 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=2 to X=3. |
init.cov.23 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.23 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.24 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=2 to X=4. |
init.cov.24 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.24 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
p.age |
A numeric vector with the patient ages in days at baseline (X=1). |
p.sex |
A character vector with the genders: |
p.year |
A numeric vector with the entry dates in the study respecting the date format, i.e. in number of days since 01.01.1960. |
p.rate.table |
A list containing the information related to the expected rates of mortality. This list is organized as a |
conf.int |
A logical value specifying if the pointwise confidence intervals for parameters and the variance-covariance matrix should be returned. Default is |
silent |
A logical value specifying if the log-likelihood value should be returned at each iteration. Default is |
precision |
A numeric positive value indicating the required precision for the log-likelihood maximization between each iteration. Default is |
Hazard functions available are:
Exponential distribution | |
Weibull distribution | |
Generalized Weibull distribution |
with ,
. The parameter
varies for each interval when the distribution is piecewise Exponential. We advise to initialize the logarithm of these parameters in
, ini.dist.13
and ini.dist.23
To estimate the marginal effect of a binary exposure, the weights
may be equal to 1/p
, where p
is the estimated probability that the individual belongs to his or her own observed group of exposure. The probabilities p
are often estimated by a logistic regression in which the dependent binary variable is the exposure. The possible confounding factors are the explanatory variables of this logistic model.
object |
A character string indicating the estimated model: "markov.4states.rsadd (4-state relative survival markov model with additive risks)". |
dist |
A character vector with two arguments describing respectively the distributions of duration time for transitions 1->2, 1->3, 1->4, 2->3, and 2->4. |
cuts.12 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=2. |
cuts.13 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=3. |
cuts.14 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=4. |
cuts.23 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=3. |
cuts.24 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=4. |
covariates |
A numeric vector indicating the numbers of covariates respectively related to the transition 1->2, 1->3, 1->4, 2->3, and 2->4. |
table |
A data frame containing the estimated parameters of the model ( |
cov.matrix |
A data frame corresponding to variance-covariance matrix of the parameters. |
LogLik |
A numeric value corresponding to the log-likelihood of the estimated model. |
A numeric value corresponding to the Akaike Information Criterion of the estimated model. |
Yohann Foucher <[email protected]>
Florence Gillaizeau <[email protected]>
Huszti et al. Relative survival multistate Markov model. Stat Med. 10;31(3):269-86, 2012. <DOI: 10.1002/sim.4392>.
Gillaizeau et al. A multistate additive relative survival semi-Markov model. Stat Methods Med Res. 26(4):1700-1711, 2017. <doi: 10.1177/ 0962280215586456>.
Gillaizeau et al. Inverse Probability Weighting to control confounding in an illness-death model for interval-censored data. Stat Med. 37(8):1245-1258, 2018. <doi: 10.1002/sim.7550>.
# import the observed data # (X=1 corresponds to initial state with a functioning graft, X=2 to acute rejection episode, # X=3 to return to dialysis, X=4 to death with a functioning graft) data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) set.seed(2) d3<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 200, replace = FALSE),] # import the expected mortality rates data(fr.ratetable) # 4-state parametric additive relative survival Markov model including one # explicative variable ('z') on the transition 1->2. We only reduced # the precision and the number of iteration to save time in this example, # prefer the default values. markov.4states.rsadd(times1=d3$time1, times2=d3$time2, sequences=d3$trajectory, dist=c("E","E","E","E","E"), ini.dist.12=c(8.34), ini.dist.13=c(10.44), ini.dist.14=c(10.70), ini.dist.23=c(9.43), ini.dist.24=c(11.11), cov.12=d3$z, init.cov.12=c(0.04), names.12=c("beta12_z"), p.age=d3$ageR*365.24, p.sex=d3$sexR, p.year=as.numeric(as.Date(paste0(d3$year.tx,"-01-01"), origin = "1960-01-01")), p.rate.table=fr.ratetable, conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE, precision=0.001)
# import the observed data # (X=1 corresponds to initial state with a functioning graft, X=2 to acute rejection episode, # X=3 to return to dialysis, X=4 to death with a functioning graft) data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) set.seed(2) d3<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 200, replace = FALSE),] # import the expected mortality rates data(fr.ratetable) # 4-state parametric additive relative survival Markov model including one # explicative variable ('z') on the transition 1->2. We only reduced # the precision and the number of iteration to save time in this example, # prefer the default values. markov.4states.rsadd(times1=d3$time1, times2=d3$time2, sequences=d3$trajectory, dist=c("E","E","E","E","E"), ini.dist.12=c(8.34), ini.dist.13=c(10.44), ini.dist.14=c(10.70), ini.dist.23=c(9.43), ini.dist.24=c(11.11), cov.12=d3$z, init.cov.12=c(0.04), names.12=c("beta12_z"), p.age=d3$ageR*365.24, p.sex=d3$sexR, p.year=as.numeric(as.Date(paste0(d3$year.tx,"-01-01"), origin = "1960-01-01")), p.rate.table=fr.ratetable, conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE, precision=0.001)
The 2-state mixture model which includes an initial state (X=1) and two absorbing states in competition (X=2 and X=3). Parameters are estimated by (weighted) Likelihood maximization.
mixture.2states(times, sequences, weights=NULL, dist, cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, ini.dist.12=NULL, ini.dist.13=NULL, cov.12=NULL, init.cov.12=NULL, names.12=NULL, cov.13=NULL, init.cov.13=NULL, names.13=NULL, cov.p=NULL, init.cov.p=NULL, names.p=NULL, init.intercept.p=NULL, conf.int=TRUE, silent=TRUE, precision=10^(-6))
mixture.2states(times, sequences, weights=NULL, dist, cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, ini.dist.12=NULL, ini.dist.13=NULL, cov.12=NULL, init.cov.12=NULL, names.12=NULL, cov.13=NULL, init.cov.13=NULL, names.13=NULL, cov.p=NULL, init.cov.p=NULL, names.p=NULL, init.intercept.p=NULL, conf.int=TRUE, silent=TRUE, precision=10^(-6))
times |
A numeric vector with the observed times in days from baseline to the last observation. |
sequences |
A numeric vector with the sequence of observed states. Three possible values are allowed: 1 (the individual is right-censored in X=1), 12 (the individual transits to X=2) and 13 (the individual transits to X=3). |
weights |
A numeric vector with the weights for correcting the contribution of each individual. When the vector is completed, the IPW estimator is implemented. Default is |
dist |
A character vector with two arguments describing respectively the distributions of duration time for transitions 1->2 and 1->3. Arguments allowed are |
cuts.12 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=2. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.13 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=3. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
ini.dist.12 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=2. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.dist.13 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=3. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
cov.12 |
A matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=2. |
init.cov.12 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.12 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.13 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=3. |
init.cov.13 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.13 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.p |
A matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the probability P(X=2), which is regressing according to a logistic function. |
init.cov.p |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.p |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
init.intercept.p |
A numeric value to iniate the intercept of the logit of P(X=2). Default value is 0. |
conf.int |
A logical value specifying if the pointwise confidence intervals for parameters and the variance-covariance matrix should be returned. Default is |
silent |
A logical value specifying if the log-likelihood value should be returned at each iteration. Default is |
precision |
A numeric positive value indicating the required precision for the log-likelihood maximization between each iteration. Default is |
Hazard functions available are:
Exponential distribution | |
Weibull distribution | |
Generalized Weibull distribution |
with ,
. The parameter
varies for each interval when the distribution is piecewise Exponential. We advise to initialize the logarithm of these parameters in
, ini.dist.13
and ini.dist.23
To estimate the marginal effect of a binary exposure, the weights
may be equal to 1/p
, where p
is the estimated probability that the individual belongs to his or her own observed group of exposure. The probabilities p
are often estimated by a logistic regression in which the dependent binary variable is the exposure. The possible confounding factors are the explanatory variables of this logistic model.
object |
The character string indicating the estimated model: "mixture.2states (mixture model with two competing events)". |
dist |
A character vector with two arguments describing respectively the distributions of duration time for transitions 1->2 and 1->3. |
cuts.12 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=2. |
cuts.13 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=3. |
covariates |
A numeric vector indicating the numbers of covariates respectively related to the time to the event X=2, the time to the event X=3, the long-term probability P(X=2). |
table |
A data frame containing the estimated parameters of the model ( |
cov.matrix |
A data frame corresponding to variance-covariance matrix of the parameters. |
LogLik |
A numeric value corresponding to the (weighted) log-likelihood of the model. |
A numeric value corresponding to the Akaike Information Criterion of the model. |
Yohann Foucher <[email protected]>
Trebern-Launay et al. Horizontal mixture model for competing risks: a method used in waitlisted renal transplant candidates. European Journal of Epidemiology. 33(3):275-286, 2018. <doi: 10.1007/s10654-017-0322-3>.
# import the observed data # X=1 corresponds to initial state with a functioning graft, # X=2 to acute rejection episode (transient state), # X=3 to return to dialysis, X=4 to death with a functioning graft data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) set.seed(2) d2<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 300, replace = FALSE),] # Data-management: two competing events # the patient death is now X=2 # the return in dialysis is now X=3 d2$time<-NA d2$time[d2$trajectory==1]<-d2$time1[d2$trajectory==1] d2$time[d2$trajectory==12]<-d2$time2[d2$trajectory==12] d2$trajectory[d2$trajectory==12]<-1 d2$time[d2$trajectory==13]<-d2$time1[d2$trajectory==13] d2$time[d2$trajectory==123]<-d2$time2[d2$trajectory==123] d2$trajectory[d2$trajectory==123]<-13 d2$time[d2$trajectory==14]<-d2$time1[d2$trajectory==14] d2$time[d2$trajectory==124]<-d2$time2[d2$trajectory==124] d2$trajectory[d2$trajectory==124]<-14 d2$trajectory[d2$trajectory==14]<-12 table(d2$trajectory) # Univariable horizontal mixture model one binary explicative variable # z is 1 if delayed graft function and 0 otherwise mm2.test <- mixture.2states(times=d2$time, sequences=d2$trajectory, weights=NULL, dist=c("E","W"), cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, ini.dist.12=c(9.28), ini.dist.13=c(9.92, -0.23), cov.12=d2$z, init.cov.12=0.84, names.12="beta_12", cov.13=d2$z, init.cov.13=0.76, names.13="beta_13", cov.p=NULL, init.cov.p=NULL, names.p=NULL, init.intercept.p=-0.75, conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE) mm2.test$table
# import the observed data # X=1 corresponds to initial state with a functioning graft, # X=2 to acute rejection episode (transient state), # X=3 to return to dialysis, X=4 to death with a functioning graft data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) set.seed(2) d2<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 300, replace = FALSE),] # Data-management: two competing events # the patient death is now X=2 # the return in dialysis is now X=3 d2$time<-NA d2$time[d2$trajectory==1]<-d2$time1[d2$trajectory==1] d2$time[d2$trajectory==12]<-d2$time2[d2$trajectory==12] d2$trajectory[d2$trajectory==12]<-1 d2$time[d2$trajectory==13]<-d2$time1[d2$trajectory==13] d2$time[d2$trajectory==123]<-d2$time2[d2$trajectory==123] d2$trajectory[d2$trajectory==123]<-13 d2$time[d2$trajectory==14]<-d2$time1[d2$trajectory==14] d2$time[d2$trajectory==124]<-d2$time2[d2$trajectory==124] d2$trajectory[d2$trajectory==124]<-14 d2$trajectory[d2$trajectory==14]<-12 table(d2$trajectory) # Univariable horizontal mixture model one binary explicative variable # z is 1 if delayed graft function and 0 otherwise mm2.test <- mixture.2states(times=d2$time, sequences=d2$trajectory, weights=NULL, dist=c("E","W"), cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, ini.dist.12=c(9.28), ini.dist.13=c(9.92, -0.23), cov.12=d2$z, init.cov.12=0.84, names.12="beta_12", cov.13=d2$z, init.cov.13=0.76, names.13="beta_13", cov.p=NULL, init.cov.p=NULL, names.p=NULL, init.intercept.p=-0.75, conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE) mm2.test$table
A plot of ROC curves is produced. In the RISCA package, it concerns the functions roc.binary
, roc.net
, roc.summary
, and roc.time
## S3 method for class 'rocrisca' plot(x, ..., information=TRUE)
## S3 method for class 'rocrisca' plot(x, ..., information=TRUE)
x |
An object of class |
... |
Additional arguments affecting the plot. |
information |
A logical value indicating whether the non-information line is plotted. The default values is TRUE. |
Yohann Foucher <[email protected]>
# import and attach the data example data(dataDIVAT3) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this exemple dataDIVAT3 <- dataDIVAT3[1:400,] # The ROC curve to evaluate the crude capacities of the recipient age for the # prognosis of post kidney transplant mortality (we ignore the censoring process) roc1 <- roc.binary(status="death", variable="ageR", confounders=~1, data=dataDIVAT3, precision=seq(0.1,0.9, by=0.1) ) # The corresponding ROC graph with color and symbols plot(roc1, type="b", xlab="1-specificity", ylab="sensibility", col=2, pch=2)
# import and attach the data example data(dataDIVAT3) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this exemple dataDIVAT3 <- dataDIVAT3[1:400,] # The ROC curve to evaluate the crude capacities of the recipient age for the # prognosis of post kidney transplant mortality (we ignore the censoring process) roc1 <- roc.binary(status="death", variable="ageR", confounders=~1, data=dataDIVAT3, precision=seq(0.1,0.9, by=0.1) ) # The corresponding ROC graph with color and symbols plot(roc1, type="b", xlab="1-specificity", ylab="sensibility", col=2, pch=2)
A plot of survival curves is produced. In the RISCA package, it concerns the functions ipw.survival
and gc.survival
## S3 method for class 'survrisca' plot(x, ..., col=1, lty=1, lwd=1, type="s", max.time=NULL, min.y=0, max.y=1, grid.lty=NULL)
## S3 method for class 'survrisca' plot(x, ..., col=1, lty=1, lwd=1, type="s", max.time=NULL, min.y=0, max.y=1, grid.lty=NULL)
x |
An object of class |
... |
Additional arguments affecting the plot. |
col |
A numeric vector with the color of the survival curves. The default is 1 for black. |
lty |
A numeric vector with the type of the survival curves. The default is 1. |
lwd |
A numeric vector with the type of the survival curves. The default is 1. |
type |
A character string giving the type of plot : "p" for points, "l" for lines, "b" for both points and lines, "c" for empty points joined by lines, "o" for overplotted points and lines. The default is "s" for step function. |
max.time |
The maximum time of the x-asis. The default is NULL, it corresponds to the maximum follow-up time observed in the database from which the |
min.y |
The minimum of the y-axis. The default is 0. |
max.y |
The maximum of the y-axis. The default is 1. |
grid.lty |
A character or (integer) numeric with the line type of the grid lines. The default is NULL for no grid. |
Yohann Foucher <[email protected]>
Florent Le Borgne <[email protected]>
data(dataDIVAT2) res.km <- ipw.survival(times=dataDIVAT2$times, failures=dataDIVAT2$failures, variable=dataDIVAT2$ecd, weights=NULL) plot(res.km, ylab="Graft and patient survival", xlab="Time post-transplantation (years)", col=c(1,2), grid.lty=1)
data(dataDIVAT2) res.km <- ipw.survival(times=dataDIVAT2$times, failures=dataDIVAT2$failures, variable=dataDIVAT2$ecd, weights=NULL) plot(res.km, ylab="Graft and patient survival", xlab="Time post-transplantation (years)", col=c(1,2), grid.lty=1)
This function allows to identify potential posivity violations by using the PoRT algorithm.
port(group, cov.quanti, cov.quali, data, alpha, beta, gamma, pruning, minbucket, minsplit, maxdepth)
port(group, cov.quanti, cov.quali, data, alpha, beta, gamma, pruning, minbucket, minsplit, maxdepth)
group |
A character string with the name of the exposure in |
cov.quanti |
A character string with the names of the quantitative predictors in |
cov.quali |
A character string with the names of the qualitative predictors in |
data |
A data frame in which to look for the variables related to the treatment/exposure and the predictors. |
alpha |
The minimal proportion of the whole sample size to consider a problematic subgroup. The default value is 0.05. |
beta |
The exposed or unexposed proportion under which one can consider a positivity violation. The default value is 0.05. |
gamma |
The maximum number of predictors used to define the subgroup. The default value is 2. See 'Details'. |
pruning |
If |
minbucket |
An |
minsplit |
An |
maxdepth |
An |
In a first step, the PoRT algorithm estimates one tree for each predictor and memorises the leaves corresponding to problematic subgroups according to the hyperparameters alpha
and beta
(i.e., the subgroup must at least include alpha*100
percent of the whole sample, and the exposure prevalence in the subgroup must be superior to 1-beta
or inferior to beta
). If gamma=1
, the algorithm stops. Otherwise, if at least one problematic subgroup is identified in this first step, the corresponding predictor(s) is(are) not considered in the second step, which estimates one tree for all possible couples of remaining predictors and memorizes the leaves corresponding to problematic subgroups. If gamma=2
, the algorithm stops; otherwise, the third step consists of building one tree for all possible trios of remaining covariates not involved in the previously identified subgroups, etc.
The port
function returns a characters string summarising all the subgroups identified as violating the positivity assumption, and provides for each of these subgroups the exposure prevalence, the subgroup size and the relative subgroup size (with respect to the sample size).
Arthur Chatton <[email protected]>
Danelian et al. Identification of positivity violations' using regression trees: The PoRT algorithm. Manuscript submitted. 2022.
data("dataDIVAT2") # PoRT with default hyperparameters port(group="ecd", cov.quanti="age", cov.quali=c("hla", "retransplant"), data=dataDIVAT2) # Illustration of the 'pruning' argument port(group="ecd", cov.quanti="age", cov.quali=c("hla", "retransplant"), data=dataDIVAT2, beta=0.01) port(group="ecd", cov.quanti="age", cov.quali=c("hla", "retransplant"), data=dataDIVAT2, beta=0.01, pruning=TRUE)
data("dataDIVAT2") # PoRT with default hyperparameters port(group="ecd", cov.quanti="age", cov.quali=c("hla", "retransplant"), data=dataDIVAT2) # Illustration of the 'pruning' argument port(group="ecd", cov.quanti="age", cov.quali=c("hla", "retransplant"), data=dataDIVAT2, beta=0.01) port(group="ecd", cov.quanti="age", cov.quali=c("hla", "retransplant"), data=dataDIVAT2, beta=0.01, pruning=TRUE)
This function allows to estimate a cumulative incidence function (CIF) from an horizontal mixture model with two competing events, i.e. the results obtained from the function mixture.2states
pred.mixture.2states(model, failure, times, cov.12=NULL, cov.13=NULL, cov.p=NULL)
pred.mixture.2states(model, failure, times, cov.12=NULL, cov.13=NULL, cov.p=NULL)
model |
A list obtained by using the function |
failure |
A numeric value for identifying the event for which the CIF has to be computed. Two possible values are allowed: 2 (for the CIF related to X=2) and 3 (for the CIF related to X=3). |
times |
A numeric vector with positive values related to the times for which the CIF has to be computed. |
cov.12 |
A vector, matrix or data frame in which to look for variables related to the time from X=1 to X=2 with which to predict the CIF. |
cov.13 |
A vector, matrix or data frame in which to look for variables related to the time from X=1 to X=3 with which to predict the CIF. |
cov.p |
A vector, matrix or data frame in which to look for variables related to the probability P(X=2). |
The covariates has to be identical than the ones included in the mixture model declared in the argument model
. More precisely, the columns of cov.12
, cov.13
and cov.p
must correspond to the same variables.
times |
A numeric vector with the times for which the CIF has to be computed. |
cif |
A matrix with the predicted CIF for the |
Yohann Foucher <[email protected]>
Trebern-Launay et al. Horizontal mixture model for competing risks: a method used in waitlisted renal transplant candidates. European Journal of Epidemiology. 33(3):275-286, 2018. <doi: 10.1007/s10654-017-0322-3>.
# import the observed data # X=1 corresponds to initial state with a functioning graft, # X=2 to acute rejection episode (transient state), # X=3 to return to dialysis, X=4 to death with a functioning graft data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) set.seed(2) d2<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 300, replace = FALSE),] # Data-management: two competing events # the patient death is now X=2 # the return in dialysis is now X=3 d2$time<-NA d2$time[d2$trajectory==1]<-d2$time1[d2$trajectory==1] d2$time[d2$trajectory==12]<-d2$time2[d2$trajectory==12] d2$trajectory[d2$trajectory==12]<-1 d2$time[d2$trajectory==13]<-d2$time1[d2$trajectory==13] d2$time[d2$trajectory==123]<-d2$time2[d2$trajectory==123] d2$trajectory[d2$trajectory==123]<-13 d2$time[d2$trajectory==14]<-d2$time1[d2$trajectory==14] d2$time[d2$trajectory==124]<-d2$time2[d2$trajectory==124] d2$trajectory[d2$trajectory==124]<-14 d2$trajectory[d2$trajectory==14]<-12 table(d2$trajectory) # Univariable horizontal mixture model one binary explicative variable # z is 1 if delayed graft function and 0 otherwise mm2.model <- mixture.2states(times=d2$time, sequences=d2$trajectory, weights=NULL, dist=c("E","W"), cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, ini.dist.12=c(9.28), ini.dist.13=c(9.92, -0.23), cov.12=d2$z, init.cov.12=0.84, names.12="beta_12", cov.13=d2$z, init.cov.13=0.76, names.13="beta_13", cov.p=NULL, init.cov.p=NULL, names.p=NULL, init.intercept.p=-0.75, conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE) cif2.mm2 <- pred.mixture.2states(mm2.model, failure=2, times=seq(0, 4000, by=30), cov.12=c(0,1), cov.13=c(0,1), cov.p=NULL) plot(cif2.mm2$times/365.25, cif2.mm2$cif[1,], col = 1, type="l", lty = 1, ylim=c(0,1), lwd =2, ylab="Cumulative Incidence Function", xlab="Times (years)", main="", xlim=c(0, 11), legend=FALSE) lines(cif2.mm2$times/365.25, cif2.mm2$cif[2,], lwd=2, col=2)
# import the observed data # X=1 corresponds to initial state with a functioning graft, # X=2 to acute rejection episode (transient state), # X=3 to return to dialysis, X=4 to death with a functioning graft data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) set.seed(2) d2<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 300, replace = FALSE),] # Data-management: two competing events # the patient death is now X=2 # the return in dialysis is now X=3 d2$time<-NA d2$time[d2$trajectory==1]<-d2$time1[d2$trajectory==1] d2$time[d2$trajectory==12]<-d2$time2[d2$trajectory==12] d2$trajectory[d2$trajectory==12]<-1 d2$time[d2$trajectory==13]<-d2$time1[d2$trajectory==13] d2$time[d2$trajectory==123]<-d2$time2[d2$trajectory==123] d2$trajectory[d2$trajectory==123]<-13 d2$time[d2$trajectory==14]<-d2$time1[d2$trajectory==14] d2$time[d2$trajectory==124]<-d2$time2[d2$trajectory==124] d2$trajectory[d2$trajectory==124]<-14 d2$trajectory[d2$trajectory==14]<-12 table(d2$trajectory) # Univariable horizontal mixture model one binary explicative variable # z is 1 if delayed graft function and 0 otherwise mm2.model <- mixture.2states(times=d2$time, sequences=d2$trajectory, weights=NULL, dist=c("E","W"), cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, ini.dist.12=c(9.28), ini.dist.13=c(9.92, -0.23), cov.12=d2$z, init.cov.12=0.84, names.12="beta_12", cov.13=d2$z, init.cov.13=0.76, names.13="beta_13", cov.p=NULL, init.cov.p=NULL, names.p=NULL, init.intercept.p=-0.75, conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE) cif2.mm2 <- pred.mixture.2states(mm2.model, failure=2, times=seq(0, 4000, by=30), cov.12=c(0,1), cov.13=c(0,1), cov.p=NULL) plot(cif2.mm2$times/365.25, cif2.mm2$cif[1,], col = 1, type="l", lty = 1, ylim=c(0,1), lwd =2, ylab="Cumulative Incidence Function", xlab="Times (years)", main="", xlim=c(0, 11), legend=FALSE) lines(cif2.mm2$times/365.25, cif2.mm2$cif[2,], lwd=2, col=2)
This function allows to estimate the Restricted Mean Survival Times (RMST).
rmst(times, surv.rates, max.time, type)
rmst(times, surv.rates, max.time, type)
times |
A numeric vector with the times. |
surv.rates |
A numeric vector with the survival rates. |
max.time |
The maximum follow-up time. |
type |
The type of input survival cirves. Two possible arguments: "s" for a step function or "l" for a continous function. |
RMST represents an interesting alternative to the hazard ratio in order to estimate the effect of an exposure. The RMST is the mean survival time in the population followed up to max.time
. It corresponds to the area under the survival curve up to max.time
Royston and Parmar. Restricted mean survival time: an alternative to the hazard ratio for the design and analysis of randomized trials with a time-to-event outcome. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2013;13:152. <doi: 10.1186/ 1471-2288-13-152>.
data(dataDIVAT2) #Survival according to the donor status (ECD versus SCD) res <- summary(survfit(Surv(times,failures) ~ ecd, data=dataDIVAT2)) #The mean survival time in ECD recipients followed-up to 10 years rmst(times = res$time[as.character(res$strata)=="ecd=1"], surv.rates = res$surv[as.character(res$strata)=="ecd=1"], max.time = 10, type = "s") #The mean survival time in SCD recipients followed-up to 10 years rmst(times=res$time[as.character(res$strata)=="ecd=0"], surv.rates=res$surv[as.character(res$strata)=="ecd=0"], max.time=10, type = "s")
data(dataDIVAT2) #Survival according to the donor status (ECD versus SCD) res <- summary(survfit(Surv(times,failures) ~ ecd, data=dataDIVAT2)) #The mean survival time in ECD recipients followed-up to 10 years rmst(times = res$time[as.character(res$strata)=="ecd=1"], surv.rates = res$surv[as.character(res$strata)=="ecd=1"], max.time = 10, type = "s") #The mean survival time in SCD recipients followed-up to 10 years rmst(times=res$time[as.character(res$strata)=="ecd=0"], surv.rates=res$surv[as.character(res$strata)=="ecd=0"], max.time=10, type = "s")
This function allows for the estimation of ROC curve by taking into account possible confounding factors. Two methods are implemented: i) the standardized and weighted ROC based on an IPW estimator, and ii) the placement values ROC.
roc.binary(status, variable, confounders, data, precision, estimator)
roc.binary(status, variable, confounders, data, precision, estimator)
status |
A character string with the name of the variable in |
variable |
A character string with the name of the variable in |
confounders |
An object of class "formula". More precisely only the right part with an expression of the form |
data |
An object of the class |
precision |
A numeric vector with values between 0 and 1. The values represent the x-axis (1-specificity) of the ROC graph for which the user want to obtain the corresponding sensitivities. 0 and 1 are not allowed. |
estimator |
Two possible estimators can be used: "ipw" and "pv". IPW is based on the Inverse Probability Weigthing theory as proposed by Le Borgne et al. (2017). This estimator applied on a variable standardized according to the covariates among the controls allows to obtain a standardized and weighted ROC. The IPW estimator is selected by default. The user can also use the placement values (pv) estimator as proposed by Pepe and Cai (Biometrics, 2004). |
This function computes confounder-adjusted ROC curve for uncensored data. We adapted the usual estimator by considering the individual probabilities to be diseased, given the possible confounding factors. The standardized and weighted ROC is obtained by both providing a variable under interest standardized according to the possible confounding factors and using "ipw" in the option estimator
. The user can also use the estimator first proposed by Pepe and Cai (2004) which is based on placement values.
table |
This data frame presents the sensitivities and specificities. |
auc |
The area under the ROC curve. |
Y. Foucher <[email protected]>
Blanche et al. (2013) Review and comparison of roc curve estimators for a time-dependent outcome with marker-dependent censoring. Biometrical Journal, 55, 687-704. <doi:10.1002/bimj.201200045>
Pepe and Cai. (2004) The analysis of placement values for evaluating discriminatory measures. Biometrics, 60(2), 528-35. <doi:10.1111/j.0006-341X.2004.00200.x>
Le Borgne et al. Standardized and weighted time-dependent ROC curves to evaluate the intrinsic prognostic capacities of a marker by taking into account confounding factors. Stat Methods Med Res. 27(11):3397-3410, 2018. <doi: 10.1177/ 0962280217702416>.
# import and attach the data example data(dataDIVAT3) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this exemple dataDIVAT3 <- dataDIVAT3[1:400,] # The ROC curve to evaluate the crude capacities of the recipient age for the # prognosis of post kidney transplant mortality (we ignore the censoring process) roc1 <- roc.binary(status="death", variable="ageR", confounders=~1, data=dataDIVAT3, precision=seq(0.1,0.9, by=0.1) ) # The corresponding ROC graph with basic options plot(roc1, xlab="1-specificity", ylab="sensibility") # The corresponding ROC graph with color and symbols plot(roc1, col=2, pch=2, type="b", xlab="1-specificity", ylab="sensibility") # The standardized and weighted ROC curve to evaluate the capacities # of the recipient age for the prognosis of post kidney transplant # mortality by taking into account the donor age and the recipient # gender (we ignore the censoring process). # 1. Standardize the marker according to the covariates among the controls lm1 <- lm(ageR ~ ageD + sexeR, data=dataDIVAT3[dataDIVAT3$death == 0,]) dataDIVAT3$ageR_std <- (dataDIVAT3$ageR - (lm1$coef[1] + lm1$coef[2] * dataDIVAT3$ageD + lm1$coef[3] * dataDIVAT3$sexeR)) / sd(lm1$residuals) # 2. Compute the sensitivity and specificity from the proposed IPW estimators roc2 <- roc.binary(status="death", variable="ageR_std", confounders=~bs(ageD, df=3) + sexeR, data=dataDIVAT3, precision=seq(0.1,0.9, by=0.1)) # The corresponding ROC graph plot(roc2, col=2, pch=2, lty=2, type="b", xlab="1-specificity", ylab="sensibility") lines(roc1, col=1, pch=1, type="b") legend("bottomright", lty=1:2, lwd=1, pch=1:2, col=1:2, c(paste("Crude estimation, (AUC=", round(roc1$auc, 2), ")", sep=""), paste("Adjusted estimation, (AUC=", round(roc2$auc, 2), ")", sep="") ) )
# import and attach the data example data(dataDIVAT3) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this exemple dataDIVAT3 <- dataDIVAT3[1:400,] # The ROC curve to evaluate the crude capacities of the recipient age for the # prognosis of post kidney transplant mortality (we ignore the censoring process) roc1 <- roc.binary(status="death", variable="ageR", confounders=~1, data=dataDIVAT3, precision=seq(0.1,0.9, by=0.1) ) # The corresponding ROC graph with basic options plot(roc1, xlab="1-specificity", ylab="sensibility") # The corresponding ROC graph with color and symbols plot(roc1, col=2, pch=2, type="b", xlab="1-specificity", ylab="sensibility") # The standardized and weighted ROC curve to evaluate the capacities # of the recipient age for the prognosis of post kidney transplant # mortality by taking into account the donor age and the recipient # gender (we ignore the censoring process). # 1. Standardize the marker according to the covariates among the controls lm1 <- lm(ageR ~ ageD + sexeR, data=dataDIVAT3[dataDIVAT3$death == 0,]) dataDIVAT3$ageR_std <- (dataDIVAT3$ageR - (lm1$coef[1] + lm1$coef[2] * dataDIVAT3$ageD + lm1$coef[3] * dataDIVAT3$sexeR)) / sd(lm1$residuals) # 2. Compute the sensitivity and specificity from the proposed IPW estimators roc2 <- roc.binary(status="death", variable="ageR_std", confounders=~bs(ageD, df=3) + sexeR, data=dataDIVAT3, precision=seq(0.1,0.9, by=0.1)) # The corresponding ROC graph plot(roc2, col=2, pch=2, lty=2, type="b", xlab="1-specificity", ylab="sensibility") lines(roc1, col=1, pch=1, type="b") legend("bottomright", lty=1:2, lwd=1, pch=1:2, col=1:2, c(paste("Crude estimation, (AUC=", round(roc1$auc, 2), ")", sep=""), paste("Adjusted estimation, (AUC=", round(roc2$auc, 2), ")", sep="") ) )
This function performs the characteristics of a net time-dependent ROC curve (Lorent, 2013) based on k-nearest neighbor's (knn) estimator or only based on the Pohar-Perme estimator (Pohar, 2012).
roc.net(times, failures, variable, p.age, p.sex, p.year, rate.table, pro.time, cut.off, knn=FALSE, prop=NULL)
roc.net(times, failures, variable, p.age, p.sex, p.year, rate.table, pro.time, cut.off, knn=FALSE, prop=NULL)
times |
A numeric vector with the follow up times. |
failures |
A numeric vector with the event indicator (0=right censored, 1=event). |
variable |
A numeric vector with the prognostic variable. This variable is collected at the baseline. |
p.age |
A numeric vector with the age of the individuals at the baseline (in days). |
p.sex |
A character vector with the gender the individuals ('male' or 'female'). |
p.year |
A numeric vector with the calendar year at the baseline (number of days from the January 1, 1960). |
rate.table |
A rate-table object with the expected mortality rates by age, sex, and cohort year. The same units used in |
pro.time |
The value of prognostic time represents the maximum delay for which the capacity of the variable is evaluated. The same unit than the one used in the argument |
cut.off |
The cut-off values of the variable used to define the possible binary tests. |
knn |
A logical value indicating whether k-nearest neighbor's estimator should be used. |
prop |
This is the proportion of the nearest neighbors. The estimation will be based on 2*prop (both right and left proportions) of the total sample size. |
This function computes net time-dependent ROC curve with right-censored data using estimator defined by Pohar-Perm et al. (2012) and the k-nearest neighbor's (knn) estimator. The aim is to evaluate the capacity of a variable (measured at the baseline) to predict the excess of mortality of a studied population compared to the general population mortality. Using the knn estimator ensures a monotone and increasing ROC curve, but the computation time may be long. This approach may thus be avoided if the sample size is large because of computing time.
table |
This data frame presents the sensitivities and specificities associated with the cut-off values. One can observe NA if the value cannot be computed. |
auc |
The area under the time-dependent ROC curve for a prognostic up to prognostic time. |
missing |
Number of deleted observations due to missing data. |
warning |
This message indicates possible difficulties in the computation of the net ROC curve, for instance if the net survival was not lower or equal1 to 1 for particular cut-off values or times. |
Y. Foucher <[email protected]>
Lorent et al. Net time-dependent ROC curves: a solution for evaluating the accuracy of a marker to predict disease-related mortality. Statistics in Medicine, 33, 2379-89. 2013. <doi:10.1002/sim.6079>
# import the observed data data(dataDIVAT3) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT3 <- dataDIVAT3[1:400,] # import the expected mortality rates data(fr.ratetable) # the values of recipient age used for computing the sensibilities and # specificities (choose more values in practice) age.cut <- quantile(dataDIVAT3$ageR, probs=seq(0.1, 0.9, by=0.1)) # recoding of the variables for matching with the ratetable dataDIVAT3$sex <- "male" dataDIVAT3$sex[dataDIVAT3$sexeR==0] <- "female" dataDIVAT3$year <- as.numeric(as.Date(paste0(dataDIVAT3$year.tx, "-01-01")) - as.Date("1960-01-01")) dataDIVAT3$age <- dataDIVAT3$ageR*365 # the ROC curve (without correction by the knn estimator) to # reduce the time for computing this example. In practice, the # correction should by used in case of non-montone results. roc1 <- roc.net(times=dataDIVAT3$death.time, failures=dataDIVAT3$death, variable=dataDIVAT3$ageR, p.age=dataDIVAT3$age, p.sex=dataDIVAT3$sex, p.year=dataDIVAT3$year, rate.table=fr.ratetable, pro.time=3000, cut.off=age.cut, knn=FALSE) # the sensibilities and specificities associated with the cut off values roc1$table # the traditional ROC graph plot(roc1, col=2, pch=2, lty=2, type="b", xlab="1-specificity", ylab="sensibility") legend("bottomright", paste("Without knn, (AUC=", round(roc1$auc, 2), ")", sep=""),lty=1, lwd=2, col=2)
# import the observed data data(dataDIVAT3) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT3 <- dataDIVAT3[1:400,] # import the expected mortality rates data(fr.ratetable) # the values of recipient age used for computing the sensibilities and # specificities (choose more values in practice) age.cut <- quantile(dataDIVAT3$ageR, probs=seq(0.1, 0.9, by=0.1)) # recoding of the variables for matching with the ratetable dataDIVAT3$sex <- "male" dataDIVAT3$sex[dataDIVAT3$sexeR==0] <- "female" dataDIVAT3$year <- as.numeric(as.Date(paste0(dataDIVAT3$year.tx, "-01-01")) - as.Date("1960-01-01")) dataDIVAT3$age <- dataDIVAT3$ageR*365 # the ROC curve (without correction by the knn estimator) to # reduce the time for computing this example. In practice, the # correction should by used in case of non-montone results. roc1 <- roc.net(times=dataDIVAT3$death.time, failures=dataDIVAT3$death, variable=dataDIVAT3$ageR, p.age=dataDIVAT3$age, p.sex=dataDIVAT3$sex, p.year=dataDIVAT3$year, rate.table=fr.ratetable, pro.time=3000, cut.off=age.cut, knn=FALSE) # the sensibilities and specificities associated with the cut off values roc1$table # the traditional ROC graph plot(roc1, col=2, pch=2, lty=2, type="b", xlab="1-specificity", ylab="sensibility") legend("bottomright", paste("Without knn, (AUC=", round(roc1$auc, 2), ")", sep=""),lty=1, lwd=2, col=2)
Prognostic ROC curve is an alternative graphical approach to represent the discriminative capacity of the marker: a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve by plotting 1 minus the survival in the high-risk group against 1 minus the survival in the low-risk group. The area under the curve (AUC) corresponds to the probability that a patient in the low-risk group has a longer lifetime than a patient in the high-risk group. The prognostic ROC curve provides complementary information compared to survival curves. The AUC is assessed by using the trapezoidal rules. When survival curves do not reach 0, the prognostic ROC curve is incomplete and the extrapolations of the AUC are performed by assuming pessimist, optimist and non-informative situations. The user enters the survival according to the model she/he chooses. The area under the prognostic ROC curve is assessed by using the trapezoidal rules. The extrapolated areas (when survival curves do not reach 0) are performed by assuming pessimist, optimist and non-informative situation.
roc.prognostic.aggregate(time.lr, surv.lr, time.hr, surv.hr)
roc.prognostic.aggregate(time.lr, surv.lr, time.hr, surv.hr)
time.lr |
A numeric vector with the survival times in the low risk group. |
surv.lr |
A numeric vector with the survival probabilities corresponding to |
time.hr |
A numeric vector with the survival times in the high risk group. |
surv.hr |
A numeric vector with the survival probabilities corresponding to |
The maximum prognostic time is the minimum between the maximum of time.lr
and the maximum of time.hr
max.time |
This is the maximum prognostic time used for the analysis |
table |
This data frame presents the different time cut-offs associated with the coordinates of the ROC curves. |
auc |
This data frame presents the different estimations of the area under the prognostic ROC curve: the lower bound, the pessimist, the non-informative, the optimist and the upper bound. |
Y. Foucher <[email protected]>
C. Combescure <[email protected]>
Combescure C, Perneger TV, Weber DC, Daures JP and Foucher Y. Prognostic ROC curves: a method for representing the overall discriminative capacity of binary markers with right-censored time-to-event endpoints. Epidemiology 2014 Jan;25(1):103-9. <doi: 10.1097/EDE.0000000000000004>.
# example of two survival curves using exponential distributions time.hr <- seq(0, 600, by=5) time.lr <- seq(0, 500, by=2) surv.hr <- exp(-0.005*time.hr) surv.lr <- exp(-0.003*time.lr) # Illustration of both survival curves plot(time.hr, surv.hr, xlab="Time (in days)", ylab="Patient survival", lwd=2, type="l") lines(time.lr, surv.lr, lty=2, col=2, lwd=2) legend("topright", c("High-Risk Group", "Low-Risk Group"), lwd=2, col=1:2, lty=1:2) # Computation of the prognostic ROC curve proc.result <- roc.prognostic.aggregate(time.lr, surv.lr, time.hr, surv.hr) # Representation of the prognostic ROC curve plot(proc.result$table$x, proc.result$table$y, type="l", lwd=2, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), xlab="1-Survival in the low risk group", ylab="1-Survival in the high risk group") abline(c(0,0), c(1,1), lty=2) # The pessimist value of the area under the curve proc.result$auc$pessimist
# example of two survival curves using exponential distributions time.hr <- seq(0, 600, by=5) time.lr <- seq(0, 500, by=2) surv.hr <- exp(-0.005*time.hr) surv.lr <- exp(-0.003*time.lr) # Illustration of both survival curves plot(time.hr, surv.hr, xlab="Time (in days)", ylab="Patient survival", lwd=2, type="l") lines(time.lr, surv.lr, lty=2, col=2, lwd=2) legend("topright", c("High-Risk Group", "Low-Risk Group"), lwd=2, col=1:2, lty=1:2) # Computation of the prognostic ROC curve proc.result <- roc.prognostic.aggregate(time.lr, surv.lr, time.hr, surv.hr) # Representation of the prognostic ROC curve plot(proc.result$table$x, proc.result$table$y, type="l", lwd=2, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), xlab="1-Survival in the low risk group", ylab="1-Survival in the high risk group") abline(c(0,0), c(1,1), lty=2) # The pessimist value of the area under the curve proc.result$auc$pessimist
The user enters individual survival data. The area under the prognostic ROC curve is assessed by using the trapezoidal rules. The extrapolated areas (when survival curves do not reach 0) are performed by assuming pessimist, optimist and non-informative situation. The confidence intervals are obtained by non-parametric bootstrapping.
roc.prognostic.individual(times, failures, variable, iterations)
roc.prognostic.individual(times, failures, variable, iterations)
times |
A numeric vector with the follow up times. |
failures |
A numeric vector with the event indicator (0=right censored, 1=event). |
variable |
A numeric vector with the result of the binary test (only two groups). The variable equals 1 for the high risk group and 0 for the low risk group. |
iterations |
The number of bootstrap samples to compute the confidence intervals. The default value is 0, which corresponds to no confidence interval computation. |
The maximum prognostic time is the minimum between the two last observed times of failure in both groups. Prognostic ROC curve is an alternative graphical approach to represent the discriminative capacity of the marker: a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve by plotting 1 minus the survival in the high-risk group against 1 minus the survival in the low-risk group. The area under the curve (AUC) corresponds to the probability that a patient in the low-risk group has a longer lifetime than a patient in the high-risk group. The prognostic ROC curve provides complementary information compared to survival curves. The AUC is assessed by using the trapezoidal rules. When survival curves do not reach 0, the prognostic ROC curve is incomplete and the extrapolations of the AUC are performed by assuming pessimist, optimist and non-informative situations.
max.time |
This is the maximum prognostic time used for the analysis |
table |
This data frame presents the different time cut-offs associated with the coordinates of the ROC curves. |
auc |
This data frame presents the different estimations of the area under the prognostic ROC curve: the lower bound, the pessimist, the non-informative, the optimist and the upper bound. |
CI.95 |
This data frame presents the 95 percentage confidence intervals of the area under the prognostic ROC curve: the lower bound, the pessimist, the non-informative, the optimist and the upper bound. |
auc.boot |
This data frame presents the different estimations of the area under the prognostic ROC curve for each of the |
Y. Foucher <[email protected]>
C. Combescure <[email protected]>
Combescure C, Perneger TV, Weber DC, Daures JP and Foucher Y. Prognostic ROC curves: a method for representing the overall discriminative capacity of binary markers with right-censored time-to-event endpoints. Epidemiology 2014 Jan;25(1):103-9. <doi: 10.1097/EDE.0000000000000004>.
################################################################### # example of two samples with different exponential distributions # ################################################################### n1 <- 200 n2 <- 200 grp <- c(rep(1, n1), rep(0, n2)) time.evt <- c(rexp(n1, rate = 1.2), rexp(n2, rate = 0.5)) time.cen <- rexp(n1+n2, rate = 0.2) time <- pmin(time.evt, time.cen) evt <- 1*(time.evt < time.cen) # Illustration of both survival curves surv.temp <- survfit(Surv(time, evt) ~ grp) plot(surv.temp, lty = 2:3) # Computation of the prognostic ROC curve proc.result <- roc.prognostic.individual(time, evt, grp, iterations=50) # Use more than 50 bootstrap samples for real applications # Representation of the prognostic ROC curve plot(proc.result$table$x, proc.result$table$y, type="l", lwd=2, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), xlab="1-Survival in the low risk group", ylab="1-Survival in the high risk group") abline(c(0,0), c(1,1), lty=2) # The corresponding 95% CI of the pessimist value proc.result$CI.95$pessimist
################################################################### # example of two samples with different exponential distributions # ################################################################### n1 <- 200 n2 <- 200 grp <- c(rep(1, n1), rep(0, n2)) time.evt <- c(rexp(n1, rate = 1.2), rexp(n2, rate = 0.5)) time.cen <- rexp(n1+n2, rate = 0.2) time <- pmin(time.evt, time.cen) evt <- 1*(time.evt < time.cen) # Illustration of both survival curves surv.temp <- survfit(Surv(time, evt) ~ grp) plot(surv.temp, lty = 2:3) # Computation of the prognostic ROC curve proc.result <- roc.prognostic.individual(time, evt, grp, iterations=50) # Use more than 50 bootstrap samples for real applications # Representation of the prognostic ROC curve plot(proc.result$table$x, proc.result$table$y, type="l", lwd=2, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), xlab="1-Survival in the low risk group", ylab="1-Survival in the high risk group") abline(c(0,0), c(1,1), lty=2) # The corresponding 95% CI of the pessimist value proc.result$CI.95$pessimist
This function computes summary ROC curve (Combescure et al., 2016).
roc.summary(study.num, classe, n, year, surv, nrisk, proba, marker.min, marker.max, init.nlme1, precision, pro.time, time.cutoff)
roc.summary(study.num, classe, n, year, surv, nrisk, proba, marker.min, marker.max, init.nlme1, precision, pro.time, time.cutoff)
study.num |
A numeric vector (1,2,3,...) with the study identification. |
classe |
A numeric vector with integers (1,2,3,...) for identifying the groups defined using the studied marker. 1 is the first group with the lowest values of the marker. |
n |
A numeric vector with the number of subjects at the baseline (date of marker collection). |
year |
A numeric vector with the survival times. |
surv |
A numeric vector with the survival probabilities corresponding to the previous times (often obtained graphically using the published survival curves). |
nrisk |
A numeric vector with the number of subjects at-risk of the event at the corresponding |
proba |
This numeric vector represents the proportion of the patients in a center which belong to the corresponding group. |
marker.min |
A numeric vector with the minimum values of the marker interval corresponding to the previous class. |
marker.max |
A numeric vector with the maximum values of the marker interval corresponding to the previous class. |
init.nlme1 |
A numeric vector with the initiate values (mean, sd) of the maker distribution which is assumed to be Gaussian. Default is (0,1). |
precision |
A numeric vector with the initiate values (mean, sd) of the maker distribution which is assumed to be Gaussian. Default is |
pro.time |
The value of prognostic time is the maximum delay for which the capacity of the variable is evaluated. The same unit than the one used in the argument |
time.cutoff |
The value of internal threasholds for the definition of the piecewise hazard function (3 values for a 4-piece constant function and 4 values for a 5-piece constant function). |
This function computes summary ROC curve. The hazard function associated with the time-to-event was defined as a 4-piece or a 5-piece constant function with a specific association with the marker at each interval. The maker distribution is assumed to be Gaussian distributed.
nlme1 |
An object of class |
nlme2 |
An object of class |
table |
This data frame presents the sensitivities ( |
auc |
The area under the SROC curve for a prognostic up to prognostic time. |
Yohann Foucher <[email protected]>
Christophe Combescure <[email protected]>
Combescure et al. A literature-based approach to evaluate the predictive capacity of a marker using time-dependent Summary Receiver Operating Characteristics. Stat Methods Med Res, 25(2):674-85, 2016. <doi: 10.1177/ 0962280212464542>.
# The example is too long to compute for a submission on the CRAN # Remove the characters '#' ### import and attach the data example # data(dataKi67) ### Compute the SROC curve for a prognostic up to 9 years # roc9y<-roc.summary(dataKi67$study.num, dataKi67$classe, dataKi67$n, # dataKi67$year, dataKi67$surv, dataKi67$nrisk, dataKi67$proba, # dataKi67$log.marker.min, dataKi67$log.marker.max, # init.nlme1=c(2.55, -0.29), precision=50, pro.time=9, # time.cutoff=c(2, 4, 8)) ### The ROC graph associated to these to SROC curves # plot(roc9y, col=1, lty=1, lwd=2, type="l", xlab="1-specificity", ylab="sensibility") ### Check of the goodness-of-fit: the observed proportions of ### patients in the $g$th interval of the study $k$ versus the ### fitted proportions (equation 3). # plot(roc9y$data.marker$proba, roc9y$data.marker$fitted, # xlab="Observed probabilities", ylab="Fitted probabilities", # ylim=c(0,1), xlim=c(0,1)) # abline(0,1) ### Check of the goodness-of-fit: the observed bivariate ### probabilities versus the fitted bivariate ### probabilities (equation 4). # plot(roc9y$data.surv$p.joint, roc9y$data.surv$fitted, # xlab="Observed probabilities", ylab="Fitted probabilities", # ylim=c(0,1), xlim=c(0,1)) # abline(0,1) ### Check of the goodness-of-fit: the residuals of the bivariate ### probabilities (equation 4) versus the times. # plot(roc9y$data.surv$year, roc9y$data.surv$resid, # xlab="Survival time (years)", ylab="Residuals") # lines(lowess(roc9y$data.surv$year, # I(roc9y$data.surv$resid), iter=0))
# The example is too long to compute for a submission on the CRAN # Remove the characters '#' ### import and attach the data example # data(dataKi67) ### Compute the SROC curve for a prognostic up to 9 years # roc9y<-roc.summary(dataKi67$study.num, dataKi67$classe, dataKi67$n, # dataKi67$year, dataKi67$surv, dataKi67$nrisk, dataKi67$proba, # dataKi67$log.marker.min, dataKi67$log.marker.max, # init.nlme1=c(2.55, -0.29), precision=50, pro.time=9, # time.cutoff=c(2, 4, 8)) ### The ROC graph associated to these to SROC curves # plot(roc9y, col=1, lty=1, lwd=2, type="l", xlab="1-specificity", ylab="sensibility") ### Check of the goodness-of-fit: the observed proportions of ### patients in the $g$th interval of the study $k$ versus the ### fitted proportions (equation 3). # plot(roc9y$data.marker$proba, roc9y$data.marker$fitted, # xlab="Observed probabilities", ylab="Fitted probabilities", # ylim=c(0,1), xlim=c(0,1)) # abline(0,1) ### Check of the goodness-of-fit: the observed bivariate ### probabilities versus the fitted bivariate ### probabilities (equation 4). # plot(roc9y$data.surv$p.joint, roc9y$data.surv$fitted, # xlab="Observed probabilities", ylab="Fitted probabilities", # ylim=c(0,1), xlim=c(0,1)) # abline(0,1) ### Check of the goodness-of-fit: the residuals of the bivariate ### probabilities (equation 4) versus the times. # plot(roc9y$data.surv$year, roc9y$data.surv$resid, # xlab="Survival time (years)", ylab="Residuals") # lines(lowess(roc9y$data.surv$year, # I(roc9y$data.surv$resid), iter=0))
This function allows for the estimation of time-dependent ROC curve by taking into account possible confounding factors. This method is implemented by standardizing and weighting based on an IPW estimator.
roc.time(times, failures, variable, confounders, data, pro.time, precision)
roc.time(times, failures, variable, confounders, data, pro.time, precision)
times |
A character string with the name of the variable in |
failures |
A character string with the name of the variable in |
variable |
A character string with the name of the variable in |
confounders |
An object of class "formula". More precisely only the right part with an expression of the form |
data |
An object of the class |
pro.time |
The value of prognostic time represents the maximum delay for which the capacity of the variable is evaluated. The same unit than the one used in the argument |
precision |
The quintiles (between 0 and 1) of the prognostic variable used for computing each point of the time dependent ROC curve. 0 (min) and 1 (max) are not allowed. |
This function computes confounder-adjusted time-dependent ROC curve with right-censored data. We adapted the naive IPCW estimator as explained by Blanche, Dartigues and Jacqmin-Gadda (2013) by considering the probability of experiencing the event of interest before the fixed prognostic time, given the possible confounding factors.
table |
This data frame presents the sensitivities and specificities associated with the cut-off values. |
auc |
The area under the time-dependent ROC curve for a prognostic up to |
Y. Foucher <[email protected]>
Blanche et al. (2013) Review and comparison of roc curve estimators for a time-dependent outcome with marker-dependent censoring. Biometrical Journal, 55, 687-704. <doi:10.1002/ bimj.201200045>
Le Borgne et al. Standardized and weighted time-dependent ROC curves to evaluate the intrinsic prognostic capacities of a marker by taking into account confounding factors. Stat Methods Med Res. 27(11):3397-3410, 2018. <doi: 10.1177/ 0962280217702416>.
# import and attach the data example data(dataDIVAT3) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this exemple dataDIVAT3 <- dataDIVAT3[1:400,] # The standardized and weighted time-dependent ROC curve to evaluate the # capacities of the recipient age for the prognosis of post kidney # transplant mortality up to 2000 days by taking into account the # donor age and the recipient gender. # 1. Standardize the marker according to the covariates among the controls lm1 <- lm(ageR ~ ageD + sexeR, data=dataDIVAT3[dataDIVAT3$death.time >= 2500,]) dataDIVAT3$ageR_std <- (dataDIVAT3$ageR - (lm1$coef[1] + lm1$coef[2] * dataDIVAT3$ageD + lm1$coef[3] * dataDIVAT3$sexeR)) / sd(lm1$residuals) # 2. Compute the sensitivity and specificity from the proposed IPW estimators roc2 <- roc.time(times="death.time", failures="death", variable="ageR_std", confounders=~bs(ageD, df=3) + sexeR, data=dataDIVAT3, pro.time=2000, precision=seq(0.1,0.9, by=0.2)) # The corresponding ROC graph plot(roc2, col=2, pch=2, lty=1, type="b", xlab="1-specificity", ylab="sensibility") # The corresponding AUC roc2$auc
# import and attach the data example data(dataDIVAT3) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this exemple dataDIVAT3 <- dataDIVAT3[1:400,] # The standardized and weighted time-dependent ROC curve to evaluate the # capacities of the recipient age for the prognosis of post kidney # transplant mortality up to 2000 days by taking into account the # donor age and the recipient gender. # 1. Standardize the marker according to the covariates among the controls lm1 <- lm(ageR ~ ageD + sexeR, data=dataDIVAT3[dataDIVAT3$death.time >= 2500,]) dataDIVAT3$ageR_std <- (dataDIVAT3$ageR - (lm1$coef[1] + lm1$coef[2] * dataDIVAT3$ageD + lm1$coef[3] * dataDIVAT3$sexeR)) / sd(lm1$residuals) # 2. Compute the sensitivity and specificity from the proposed IPW estimators roc2 <- roc.time(times="death.time", failures="death", variable="ageR_std", confounders=~bs(ageD, df=3) + sexeR, data=dataDIVAT3, pro.time=2000, precision=seq(0.1,0.9, by=0.2)) # The corresponding ROC graph plot(roc2, col=2, pch=2, lty=1, type="b", xlab="1-specificity", ylab="sensibility") # The corresponding AUC roc2$auc
The 3-state SM model includes an initial state (X=1), a transient state (X=2) and an absorbing state (X=3). Usually, X=1 corresponds to disease-free or remission, X=2 to relapse, and X=3 to death. In this illness-death model, the possible transitions are: 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3.
semi.markov.3states(times1, times2, sequences, weights=NULL, dist, cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, cuts.23=NULL, ini.dist.12=NULL, ini.dist.13=NULL, ini.dist.23=NULL, cov.12=NULL, init.cov.12=NULL, names.12=NULL, cov.13=NULL, init.cov.13=NULL, names.13=NULL, cov.23=NULL, init.cov.23=NULL, names.23=NULL, conf.int=TRUE, silent=TRUE, precision=10^(-6))
semi.markov.3states(times1, times2, sequences, weights=NULL, dist, cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, cuts.23=NULL, ini.dist.12=NULL, ini.dist.13=NULL, ini.dist.23=NULL, cov.12=NULL, init.cov.12=NULL, names.12=NULL, cov.13=NULL, init.cov.13=NULL, names.13=NULL, cov.23=NULL, init.cov.23=NULL, names.23=NULL, conf.int=TRUE, silent=TRUE, precision=10^(-6))
times1 |
A numeric vector with the observed times in days from baseline to the first transition (X=2 or X=3) or to the right-censoring (in X=1 at the last follow-up). |
times2 |
A numeric vector with the observed times in days from baseline to the second transition or to the right censoring (in X=2 at the last follow-up). |
sequences |
A numeric vector with the sequences of observed states. Four possible values are allowed: 1 (individual right-censored in X=1), 12 (individual right-censored in X=2), 13 (individual who directly transited from X=1 to X=3), 123 (individual who transited from X=1 to X=3 through X=2). |
weights |
A numeric vector with the weights for correcting the contribution of each individual. When the vector is completed, the IPW estimator is implemented. Default is |
dist |
A character vector with three arguments describing respectively the distributions of duration time for transitions 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3. Arguments allowed are |
cuts.12 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=2. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.13 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=3. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.23 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=3. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
ini.dist.12 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=2. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.dist.13 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=3. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.dist.23 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=2 to X=3. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
cov.12 |
A matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=2. |
init.cov.12 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.12 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.13 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=3. |
init.cov.13 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.13 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.23 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=2 to X=3. |
init.cov.23 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.23 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
conf.int |
A logical value specifying if the pointwise confidence intervals for parameters and the variance-covariance matrix should be returned. Default is |
silent |
A logical value specifying if the log-likelihood value should be returned at each iteration. Default is |
precision |
A numeric positive value indicating the required precision for the log-likelihood maximization between each iteration. Default is |
Hazard functions available are:
Exponential distribution | |
Weibull distribution | |
Generalized Weibull distribution |
with ,
. The parameter
varies for each interval when the distribution is piecewise Exponential. We advise to initialize the logarithm of these parameters in
, ini.dist.13
and ini.dist.23
To estimate the marginal effect of a binary exposure, the weights
may be equal to 1/p
, where p
is the estimated probability that the individual belongs to his or her own observed group of exposure. The probabilities p
are often estimated by a logistic regression in which the dependent binary variable is the exposure. The possible confounding factors are the explanatory variables of this logistic model.
object |
The character string indicating the estimated model: "semi.markov.3states (3-state semi-markov model)". |
dist |
A character vector with two arguments describing respectively the distributions of duration time for transitions 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3. |
cuts.12 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=2. |
cuts.13 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=3. |
cuts.23 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=3. |
covariates |
A numeric vector indicating the numbers of covariates respectively related to the transition 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3. |
table |
A data frame containing the estimated parameters of the model ( |
cov.matrix |
A data frame corresponding to variance-covariance matrix of the parameters. |
LogLik |
A numeric value corresponding to the (weighted) log-likelihood of the model. |
A numeric value corresponding to the Akaike Information Criterion of the model. |
Yohann Foucher <[email protected]>
Florence Gillaizeau <[email protected]>
Gillaizeau et al. Inverse Probability Weighting to control confounding in an illness-death model for interval-censored data. Stat Med. 37(8):1245-1258, 2018. <doi: 10.1002/sim.7550>.
Gillaizeau et al. A multistate additive relative survival semi-Markov model. Statistical methods in medical research. 26(4):1700-1711, 2017. <doi: 10.1177/ 0962280215586456>.
# import the observed data # (X=1 corresponds to initial state with a functioning graft, X=2 to acute rejection episode, # X=3 to return to dialysis, X=4 to death with a functioning graft) data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) set.seed(2) d3<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 250, replace = FALSE),] # To illustrate the use of a 3-state model, individuals with trajectory 13 and 123 are # censored at the time of transition into state X=3 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==13]<-1 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==123]<-12 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==14]<-13 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==124]<-123 # 3-state parametric semi-Markov model including one explicative variable # on the transition 1->2 (z is 1 if delayed graft function and 0 otherwise). # We only reduced the precision and the number of iteration to save time in this example, # prefer the default values. semi.markov.3states(times1=d3$time1, times2=d3$time2, sequences=d3$trajectory, dist=c("E","E","E"), ini.dist.12=c(9.93), ini.dist.13=c(11.54), ini.dist.23=c(10.21), cov.12=d3$z, init.cov.12=c(-0.13), names.12=c("beta12_z"), conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE, precision=0.001)$table
# import the observed data # (X=1 corresponds to initial state with a functioning graft, X=2 to acute rejection episode, # X=3 to return to dialysis, X=4 to death with a functioning graft) data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) set.seed(2) d3<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 250, replace = FALSE),] # To illustrate the use of a 3-state model, individuals with trajectory 13 and 123 are # censored at the time of transition into state X=3 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==13]<-1 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==123]<-12 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==14]<-13 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==124]<-123 # 3-state parametric semi-Markov model including one explicative variable # on the transition 1->2 (z is 1 if delayed graft function and 0 otherwise). # We only reduced the precision and the number of iteration to save time in this example, # prefer the default values. semi.markov.3states(times1=d3$time1, times2=d3$time2, sequences=d3$trajectory, dist=c("E","E","E"), ini.dist.12=c(9.93), ini.dist.13=c(11.54), ini.dist.23=c(10.21), cov.12=d3$z, init.cov.12=c(-0.13), names.12=c("beta12_z"), conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE, precision=0.001)$table
The 3-state SM model includes an initial state (X=1), a transient state (X=2) and an absorbing state (X=3). Usually, X=1 corresponds to disease-free or remission, X=2 to relapse, and X=3 to death. In this illness-death model, the possible transitions are: 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3. The time from X=1 to X=2 is interval-censored. Parameters are estimated by (weighted) Likelihood maximization.
semi.markov.3states.ic(times0, times1, times2, sequences, weights=NULL, dist, cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, cuts.23=NULL, ini.dist.12=NULL, ini.dist.13=NULL, ini.dist.23=NULL, cov.12=NULL, init.cov.12=NULL, names.12=NULL, cov.13=NULL, init.cov.13=NULL, names.13=NULL, cov.23=NULL, init.cov.23=NULL, names.23=NULL, conf.int=TRUE, silent=TRUE, precision=10^(-6), legendre=30, homogeneous=TRUE)
semi.markov.3states.ic(times0, times1, times2, sequences, weights=NULL, dist, cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, cuts.23=NULL, ini.dist.12=NULL, ini.dist.13=NULL, ini.dist.23=NULL, cov.12=NULL, init.cov.12=NULL, names.12=NULL, cov.13=NULL, init.cov.13=NULL, names.13=NULL, cov.23=NULL, init.cov.23=NULL, names.23=NULL, conf.int=TRUE, silent=TRUE, precision=10^(-6), legendre=30, homogeneous=TRUE)
times0 |
A numeric vector with the observed times in days from baseline to the last observation time in X=1. |
times1 |
A numeric vector with the observed times in days from baseline to the first observation time in X=2. |
times2 |
A numeric vector with the observed times in days from baseline to the last follow-up. |
sequences |
A numeric vector with the sequences of observed states. Four possible values are allowed: 1 (individual right-censored in X=1), 12 (individual right-censored in X=2), 13 (individual who directly observed in X=3 after X=3, without any observation of X=2), 123 (individual who transited from X=1 to X=3 through X=2). |
weights |
A numeric vector with the weights for correcting the contribution of each individual. When the vector is completed, the IPW estimator is implemented. Default is |
dist |
A character vector with three arguments describing respectively the distributions of duration time for transitions 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3. Arguments allowed are |
cuts.12 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=2. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.13 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=3. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.23 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=3. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
ini.dist.12 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=2. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.dist.13 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=3. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.dist.23 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=2 to X=3. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
cov.12 |
A matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=2. |
init.cov.12 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.12 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.13 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=3. |
init.cov.13 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.13 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.23 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=2 to X=3. |
init.cov.23 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.23 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
conf.int |
A logical value specifying if the pointwise confidence intervals for parameters and the variance-covariance matrix should be returned. Default is |
silent |
A logical value specifying if the log-likelihood value should be returned at each iteration. Default is |
precision |
A numeric positive value indicating the required precision for the log-likelihood maximization between each iteration. Default is |
legendre |
A numeric value indicating the number of knots and weights for Gaussian quadrature used in convolution products. Default is 30. |
homogeneous |
A logical value specifying if the time spent in the state X=1 is considered as non-associated with the distribution of the time from the entry in the state X=2 to the transition in the state X=3. Default is |
Hazard functions available are:
Exponential distribution | |
Weibull distribution | |
Generalized Weibull distribution |
with ,
. The parameter
varies for each interval when the distribution is piecewise Exponential. We advise to initialize the logarithm of these parameters in
, ini.dist.13
and ini.dist.23
To estimate the marginal effect of a binary exposure, the weights
may be equal to 1/p
, where p
is the estimated probability that the individual belongs to his or her own observed group of exposure. The probabilities p
are often estimated by a logistic regression in which the dependent binary variable is the exposure. The possible confounding factors are the explanatory variables of this logistic model.
Two kinds of model can be estimated: homogeneous and non-homogeneous semi-Markov model. In the first one, the hazard functions only depend on the times spent in the corresponding state. Note that for the transitions from the state X=1, the time spent in the state corresponds to the chronological time from the baseline of the study, as for Markov models. In the second one, the hazard function of the transition from the state X=2 to X=3 depends on two time scales: the time spent in the state 2 which is the random variable of interest, and the time spend in the state X=1 as a covariate.
object |
The character string indicating the model: "semi.markov.3states.ic (3-state semi-markov model with interval-censored data)". |
dist |
A character vector with two arguments describing respectively the distributions of duration time for transitions 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3. |
cuts.12 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=2. |
cuts.13 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=3. |
cuts.23 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=3. |
covariates |
A numeric vector indicating the numbers of covariates respectively related to the transition 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3. |
table |
A data frame containing the estimated parameters of the model ( |
cov.matrix |
A data frame corresponding to variance-covariance matrix of the parameters. |
LogLik |
A numeric value corresponding to the (weighted) log-likelihood of the model. |
A numeric value corresponding to the Akaike Information Criterion of the model. |
Yohann Foucher <[email protected]>
Florence Gillaizeau <[email protected]>
Gillaizeau et al. Inverse Probability Weighting to control confounding in an illness-death model for interval-censored data. Stat Med. 37(8):1245-1258, 2018. <doi: 10.1002/sim.7550>.
# The example is too long to compute for a submission on the CRAN # Remove the characters '#' # import the observed data (read the application in Gillaizeau et al. for more details) # X=1 corresponds to initial state with a functioning graft, X=2 to acute rejection episode, # X=3 to return to dialysis, X=4 to death with a functioning graft # data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example # dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) # set.seed(2) # d3<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 100, replace = FALSE),] # To illustrate the use of a 3-state model, the return in dialysis are right-censored # d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==13]<-1 # d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==123]<-12 # d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==14]<-13 # d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==124]<-123 # table(d3$trajectory) # X=2 is supposed to be interval-censored between 'times0' and 'times1' because # health examinations take place each year after inclusion # d3$times0<-NA # d3$times1<-NA # d3$time2_<-NA # i<-d3$trajectory==1 # d3$times0[i]<-trunc(d3$time1[i]/365.24)*365.24+1 # d3$times1[i]<-NA # d3$times2[i]<- d3$time1[i]+1 # i<-d3$trajectory==12 # d3$times0[i]<-trunc(d3$time1[i]/365.24)*365.24+1 # d3$times1[i]<-(trunc(d3$time1[d3$trajectory==12]/365.24)+1)*365.24 # d3$times2[i]<-pmax(d3$time2[i], (trunc(d3$time1[i]/365.24)+2)*365.24) # i<-d3$trajectory==13 # d3$times0[i]<-trunc(d3$time1[i]/365.24)*365.24+1 # d3$times1[i]<-NA # d3$times2[i]<-d3$time1[i] # i<-d3$trajectory==123 # d3$times0[i]<-trunc(d3$time1[i]/365.24)*365.24+1 # d3$times1[i]<-(trunc(d3$time1[i]/365.24)+1)*365.24 # d3$times2[i]<- pmax(d3$time2[i], (trunc(d3$time1[i]/365.24)+2)*365.24) # 3-state homogeneous semi-Markov model with interval-censored data # including one binary explicative variable (z is 1 if delayed graft function and # 0 otherwise). # Estimation of the marginal effect of z on the transition from X=1 to X=2 # by adjusting for 2 possible confounding factors (age and gender) # We only reduced the precision and the number of iteration to save time in this example, # prefer the default values. # propensity.score <- glm(z ~ ageR + sexR, family=binomial(link="logit"),data=d3) # d3$fit<-propensity.score$fitted.values # p1<-mean(d3$z) # d3$w <- p1/d3$fit # d3$w[d3$z==0]<-(1-p1)/(1-d3$fit[d3$z==0]) # semi.markov.3states.ic(times0=d3$times0, times1=d3$times1, # times2=d3$times2, sequences=d3$trajectory, # weights=d3$w, dist=c("E","E","E"), cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, cuts.23=NULL, # ini.dist.12=c(8.23), ini.dist.13=c(10.92), ini.dist.23=c(10.67), # cov.12=d3$z, init.cov.12=c(0.02), names.12=c("beta12_z"), # conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE, precision=0.001, legendre=20)$table
# The example is too long to compute for a submission on the CRAN # Remove the characters '#' # import the observed data (read the application in Gillaizeau et al. for more details) # X=1 corresponds to initial state with a functioning graft, X=2 to acute rejection episode, # X=3 to return to dialysis, X=4 to death with a functioning graft # data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example # dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) # set.seed(2) # d3<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 100, replace = FALSE),] # To illustrate the use of a 3-state model, the return in dialysis are right-censored # d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==13]<-1 # d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==123]<-12 # d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==14]<-13 # d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==124]<-123 # table(d3$trajectory) # X=2 is supposed to be interval-censored between 'times0' and 'times1' because # health examinations take place each year after inclusion # d3$times0<-NA # d3$times1<-NA # d3$time2_<-NA # i<-d3$trajectory==1 # d3$times0[i]<-trunc(d3$time1[i]/365.24)*365.24+1 # d3$times1[i]<-NA # d3$times2[i]<- d3$time1[i]+1 # i<-d3$trajectory==12 # d3$times0[i]<-trunc(d3$time1[i]/365.24)*365.24+1 # d3$times1[i]<-(trunc(d3$time1[d3$trajectory==12]/365.24)+1)*365.24 # d3$times2[i]<-pmax(d3$time2[i], (trunc(d3$time1[i]/365.24)+2)*365.24) # i<-d3$trajectory==13 # d3$times0[i]<-trunc(d3$time1[i]/365.24)*365.24+1 # d3$times1[i]<-NA # d3$times2[i]<-d3$time1[i] # i<-d3$trajectory==123 # d3$times0[i]<-trunc(d3$time1[i]/365.24)*365.24+1 # d3$times1[i]<-(trunc(d3$time1[i]/365.24)+1)*365.24 # d3$times2[i]<- pmax(d3$time2[i], (trunc(d3$time1[i]/365.24)+2)*365.24) # 3-state homogeneous semi-Markov model with interval-censored data # including one binary explicative variable (z is 1 if delayed graft function and # 0 otherwise). # Estimation of the marginal effect of z on the transition from X=1 to X=2 # by adjusting for 2 possible confounding factors (age and gender) # We only reduced the precision and the number of iteration to save time in this example, # prefer the default values. # propensity.score <- glm(z ~ ageR + sexR, family=binomial(link="logit"),data=d3) # d3$fit<-propensity.score$fitted.values # p1<-mean(d3$z) # d3$w <- p1/d3$fit # d3$w[d3$z==0]<-(1-p1)/(1-d3$fit[d3$z==0]) # semi.markov.3states.ic(times0=d3$times0, times1=d3$times1, # times2=d3$times2, sequences=d3$trajectory, # weights=d3$w, dist=c("E","E","E"), cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, cuts.23=NULL, # ini.dist.12=c(8.23), ini.dist.13=c(10.92), ini.dist.23=c(10.67), # cov.12=d3$z, init.cov.12=c(0.02), names.12=c("beta12_z"), # conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE, precision=0.001, legendre=20)$table
The 3-state SMRS model includes an initial state (X=1), a transient state (X=2), and the death (X=3). The possible transitions are: 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3. Assuming additive risks, the observed mortality hazard is the sum of two components: the expected population mortality (X=P) and the excess mortality related to the disease under study (X=E). The expected population mortality hazard (X=P) can be obtained from the death rates provided by life tables of statistical national institutes. These tables indicate the proportion of people dead in a calendar year stratified by birthdate and gender.
semi.markov.3states.rsadd(times1, times2, sequences, weights=NULL, dist, cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, cuts.23=NULL, ini.dist.12=NULL, ini.dist.13=NULL, ini.dist.23=NULL, cov.12=NULL, init.cov.12=NULL, names.12=NULL, cov.13=NULL, init.cov.13=NULL, names.13=NULL, cov.23=NULL, init.cov.23=NULL, names.23=NULL, p.age, p.sex, p.year, p.rate.table, conf.int=TRUE, silent=TRUE, precision=10^(-6))
semi.markov.3states.rsadd(times1, times2, sequences, weights=NULL, dist, cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, cuts.23=NULL, ini.dist.12=NULL, ini.dist.13=NULL, ini.dist.23=NULL, cov.12=NULL, init.cov.12=NULL, names.12=NULL, cov.13=NULL, init.cov.13=NULL, names.13=NULL, cov.23=NULL, init.cov.23=NULL, names.23=NULL, p.age, p.sex, p.year, p.rate.table, conf.int=TRUE, silent=TRUE, precision=10^(-6))
times1 |
A numeric vector with the observed times in days from baseline to the first transition (X=2 or X=3) or to the right-censoring (in X=1 at the last follow-up). |
times2 |
A numeric vector with the observed times in days from baseline to the second transition or to the right censoring (in X=2 at the last follow-up). |
sequences |
A numeric vector with the sequences of observed states. Four possible values are allowed: 1 (individual right-censored in X=1), 12 (individual right-censored in X=2), 13 (individual who directly transited from X=1 to X=3), 123 (individual who transited from X=1 to X=3 through X=2). |
weights |
A numeric vector with the weights for correcting the contribution of each individual. Default is |
dist |
A character vector with three arguments describing respectively the distributions of duration time for transitions 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3. Arguments allowed are |
cuts.12 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=2. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.13 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=3. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.23 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=3. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
ini.dist.12 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=2. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.dist.13 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=3. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.dist.23 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=2 to X=3. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
cov.12 |
A matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=2. |
init.cov.12 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.12 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.13 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=3. |
init.cov.13 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.13 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.23 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=2 to X=3. |
init.cov.23 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.23 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
p.age |
A numeric vector with the patient ages in days at baseline (X=1). |
p.sex |
A character vector with the genders: |
p.year |
A numeric vector with the entry dates in the study respecting the date format, i.e. in number of days since 01.01.1960. |
p.rate.table |
A list contaning the information related to the expected rates of mortality. This list is organized as a |
conf.int |
A logical value specifying if the pointwise confidence intervals for parameters and the variance-covariance matrix should be returned. Default is |
silent |
A logical value specifying if the log-likelihood value should be returned at each iteration. Default is |
precision |
A numeric positive value indicating the required precision for the log-likelihood maximization between each iteration. Default is |
Hazard functions available are:
Exponential distribution | |
Weibull distribution | |
Generalized Weibull distribution |
with ,
. The parameter
varies for each interval when the distribution is piecewise Exponential. We advise to initialize the logarithm of these parameters in
, ini.dist.13
and ini.dist.23
To estimate the marginal effect of a binary exposure, the weights
may be equal to 1/p
, where p
is the estimated probability that the individual belongs to his or her own observed group of exposure. The probabilities p
are often estimated by a logistic regression in which the dependent binary variable is the exposure. The possible confounding factors are the explanatory variables of this logistic model.
object |
The character string indicating the estimated model: "semi.markov.3states.rsadd (3-state relative survival semi-Markov model with additive risks)". |
dist |
A character vector with two arguments describing respectively the distributions of duration time for transitions 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3. |
cuts.12 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=2. |
cuts.13 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=3. |
cuts.23 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=3. |
covariates |
A numeric vector indicating the numbers of covariates respectively related to the transition 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3. |
table |
A data frame containing the estimated parameters of the model ( |
cov.matrix |
A data frame corresponding to variance-covariance matrix of the parameters. |
LogLik |
A numeric value corresponding to the log-likelihood of the estimated model. |
A numeric value corresponding to the Akaike Information Criterion of the estimated model. |
Yohann Foucher <[email protected]>
Florence Gillaizeau <[email protected]>
Gillaizeau et al. Inverse Probability Weighting to control confounding in an illness-death model for interval-censored data. Stat Med. 37(8):1245-1258, 2018. <doi: 10.1002/sim.7550>.
Gillaizeau et al. A multistate additive relative survival semi-Markov model. Statistical methods in medical research. 26(4):1700-1711, 2017. <doi: 10.1177/ 0962280215586456>.
# import the observed data # (X=1 corresponds to initial state with a functioning graft, X=2 to acute rejection episode, # X=3 to return to dialysis, X=4 to death with a functioning graft) data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) set.seed(2) d3<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 150, replace = FALSE),] # To use a 3-state model, individuals with trajectory 13 and 123 are censored at the time # of transition into state X=3 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==13]<-1 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==123]<-12 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==14]<-13 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==124]<-123 # import the expected mortality rates data(fr.ratetable) # 3-state parametric additive relative survival semi-Markov model including one # explicative variable (z is the delayed graft function) on all transitions. We only reduced # the precision and the number of iteration to save time in this example, # prefer the default values. # Note: a semi-Markovian process with sojourn times exponentially distributed # is a time-homogeneous Markov process semi.markov.3states.rsadd(times1=d3$time1, times2=d3$time2, sequences=d3$trajectory, dist=c("E","E","E"), ini.dist.12=c(10.70), ini.dist.13=c(11.10), ini.dist.23=c(0.04), cov.12=d3$z, init.cov.12=c(0.04), names.12=c("beta12_z"), cov.13=d3$z, init.cov.13=c(1.04), names.13=c("beta1E_z"), cov.23=d3$z, init.cov.23=c(0.29), names.23=c("beta2E_z"), p.age=d3$ageR*365.24, p.sex=d3$sexR, p.year=as.numeric(as.Date(paste0(d3$year.tx,"-01-01"), origin = "1960-01-01")), p.rate.table=fr.ratetable, conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE, precision=0.005)
# import the observed data # (X=1 corresponds to initial state with a functioning graft, X=2 to acute rejection episode, # X=3 to return to dialysis, X=4 to death with a functioning graft) data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) set.seed(2) d3<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 150, replace = FALSE),] # To use a 3-state model, individuals with trajectory 13 and 123 are censored at the time # of transition into state X=3 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==13]<-1 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==123]<-12 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==14]<-13 d3$trajectory[d3$trajectory==124]<-123 # import the expected mortality rates data(fr.ratetable) # 3-state parametric additive relative survival semi-Markov model including one # explicative variable (z is the delayed graft function) on all transitions. We only reduced # the precision and the number of iteration to save time in this example, # prefer the default values. # Note: a semi-Markovian process with sojourn times exponentially distributed # is a time-homogeneous Markov process semi.markov.3states.rsadd(times1=d3$time1, times2=d3$time2, sequences=d3$trajectory, dist=c("E","E","E"), ini.dist.12=c(10.70), ini.dist.13=c(11.10), ini.dist.23=c(0.04), cov.12=d3$z, init.cov.12=c(0.04), names.12=c("beta12_z"), cov.13=d3$z, init.cov.13=c(1.04), names.13=c("beta1E_z"), cov.23=d3$z, init.cov.23=c(0.29), names.23=c("beta2E_z"), p.age=d3$ageR*365.24, p.sex=d3$sexR, p.year=as.numeric(as.Date(paste0(d3$year.tx,"-01-01"), origin = "1960-01-01")), p.rate.table=fr.ratetable, conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE, precision=0.005)
The 4-state SM model includes an initial state (X=1), a transient state (X=2) and two absorbing states (X=3 and X=4). Usually, X=1 corresponds to disease-free or remission and X=4 to death. The possible transitions are: 1->2, 1->3, 1->4, 2->3 and 2->4.
semi.markov.4states(times1, times2, sequences, weights=NULL, dist, cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, cuts.14=NULL, cuts.23=NULL, cuts.24=NULL, ini.base.12=NULL, ini.base.13=NULL, ini.base.14=NULL, ini.base.23=NULL, ini.base.24=NULL, cov.12=NULL, init.cov.12=NULL, names.12=NULL, cov.13=NULL, init.cov.13=NULL, names.13=NULL, cov.14=NULL, init.cov.14=NULL, names.14=NULL, cov.23=NULL, init.cov.23=NULL, names.23=NULL, cov.24=NULL, init.cov.24=NULL, names.24=NULL, conf.int=TRUE, silent=TRUE, precision=10^(-6))
semi.markov.4states(times1, times2, sequences, weights=NULL, dist, cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, cuts.14=NULL, cuts.23=NULL, cuts.24=NULL, ini.base.12=NULL, ini.base.13=NULL, ini.base.14=NULL, ini.base.23=NULL, ini.base.24=NULL, cov.12=NULL, init.cov.12=NULL, names.12=NULL, cov.13=NULL, init.cov.13=NULL, names.13=NULL, cov.14=NULL, init.cov.14=NULL, names.14=NULL, cov.23=NULL, init.cov.23=NULL, names.23=NULL, cov.24=NULL, init.cov.24=NULL, names.24=NULL, conf.int=TRUE, silent=TRUE, precision=10^(-6))
times1 |
A numeric vector with the observed times in days from baseline to the first transition (X=2, X=3 or X=4) or to the right-censoring (in X=1 at the last follow-up). |
times2 |
A numeric vector with the observed times in days from baseline to the second transition or to the right censoring (in X=2 at the last follow-up). |
sequences |
a numeric vector with the sequences of observed states. Six possible values are allowed: 1 (individual right-censored in X=1), 12 (individual right-censored in X=2), 13 (individual who directly transited from X=1 to X=3), 14 (individual who directly transited from X=1 to X=4), 123 (individual who transited from X=1 to X=3 through X=2), 124 (individual who transited from X=1 to X=4 through X=2). |
weights |
A numeric vector with the weights for correcting the contribution of each individual. When the vector is completed, the IPW estimator is implemented. Default is |
dist |
A character vector with three arguments describing respectively the distributions of duration time for transitions 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3. Arguments allowed are |
cuts.12 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=2. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.13 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=3. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.14 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=4. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.23 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=3. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.24 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=4. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
ini.base.12 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=2. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.base.13 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=3. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.base.14 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=4. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.base.23 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=2 to X=3. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.base.24 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=2 to X=4. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
cov.12 |
A matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=2. |
init.cov.12 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.12 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.13 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=3. |
init.cov.13 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.13 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.14 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=4. |
init.cov.14 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.14 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.23 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=2 to X=3. |
init.cov.23 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.23 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.24 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=2 to X=4. |
init.cov.24 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.24 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
conf.int |
A logical value specifying if the pointwise confidence intervals for parameters and the variance-covariance matrix should be returned. Default is |
silent |
A logical value specifying if the log-likelihood value should be returned at each iteration. Default is |
precision |
A numeric positive value indicating the required precision for the log-likelihood maximization between each iteration. Default is |
Hazard functions available are:
Exponential distribution | |
Weibull distribution | |
Generalized Weibull distribution |
with ,
. The parameter
varies for each interval when the distribution is piecewise Exponential. We advise to initialize the logarithm of these parameters in
, ini.base.13
and ini.base.23
To estimate the marginal effect of a binary exposure, the weights
may be equal to 1/p
, where p
is the estimated probability that the individual belongs to his or her own observed group of exposure. The probabilities p
are often estimated by a logistic regression in which the dependent binary variable is the exposure. The possible confounding factors are the explanatory variables of this logistic model.
object |
A character string indicating the estimated model: "semi.markov.4states (4-state semi-Markov model)". |
dist |
A character vector with two arguments describing respectively the distributions of duration time for transitions 1->2, 1->3, 1->4, 2->3, and 2->4. |
cuts.12 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=2. |
cuts.13 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=3. |
cuts.14 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=4. |
cuts.23 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=3. |
cuts.24 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=4. |
covariates |
A numeric vector indicating the numbers of covariates respectively related to the transition 1->2, 1->3, 1->4, 2->3, and 2->4. |
table |
A data frame containing the estimated parameters of the model ( |
cov.matrix |
A data frame corresponding to variance-covariance matrix of the parameters. |
LogLik |
A numeric value corresponding to the (weighted) log-likelihood of the model. |
A numeric value corresponding to the Akaike Information Criterion of the model. |
Yohann Foucher <[email protected]>
Florence Gillaizeau <[email protected]>
Gillaizeau et al. Inverse Probability Weighting to control confounding in an illness-death model for interval-censored data. Stat Med. 37(8):1245-1258, 2018. <doi: 10.1002/sim.7550>.
Gillaizeau et al. A multistate additive relative survival semi-Markov model. Statistical methods in medical research. 26(4):1700-1711, 2017. <doi: 10.1177/ 0962280215586456>.
# import the observed data # (X=1 corresponds to initial state with a functioning graft, X=2 to acute rejection episode, # X=3 to return to dialysis, X=4 to death with a functioning graft) data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) set.seed(2) d4<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 200, replace = FALSE),] # 4-state parametric semi-Markov model including one explicative variable # (z is the delayed graft function) on the transition from X=1 to X=2 # Note: a semi-Markovian process with sojourn times exponentially distributed # is a time-homogeneous Markov process # We only reduced the precision and the number of iteration to save time in this example, # prefer the default values. semi.markov.4states(times1=d4$time1, times2=d4$time2, sequences=d4$trajectory, dist=c("E","E","E","E","E"), ini.base.12=c(8.31), ini.base.13=c(10.46), ini.base.14=c(10.83), ini.base.23=c(9.01), ini.base.24=c(10.81), cov.12=d4$z, init.cov.12=c(-0.02), names.12=c("beta12_z"), conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE, precision=0.001)$table
# import the observed data # (X=1 corresponds to initial state with a functioning graft, X=2 to acute rejection episode, # X=3 to return to dialysis, X=4 to death with a functioning graft) data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) set.seed(2) d4<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 200, replace = FALSE),] # 4-state parametric semi-Markov model including one explicative variable # (z is the delayed graft function) on the transition from X=1 to X=2 # Note: a semi-Markovian process with sojourn times exponentially distributed # is a time-homogeneous Markov process # We only reduced the precision and the number of iteration to save time in this example, # prefer the default values. semi.markov.4states(times1=d4$time1, times2=d4$time2, sequences=d4$trajectory, dist=c("E","E","E","E","E"), ini.base.12=c(8.31), ini.base.13=c(10.46), ini.base.14=c(10.83), ini.base.23=c(9.01), ini.base.24=c(10.81), cov.12=d4$z, init.cov.12=c(-0.02), names.12=c("beta12_z"), conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE, precision=0.001)$table
The 4-state SMRS model includes an initial state (X=1), a transient state (X=2) and two absorbing states (X=3 X=4 for death). The possible transitions are: 1->2, 1->3, 1->4, 2->3 and 2->4. Assuming additive risks, the observed mortality hazard is the sum of two components: the expected population mortality (X=P) and the excess mortality related to the disease under study (X=E). The expected population mortality hazard (X=P) can be obtained from the death rates provided by life tables of statistical national institutes. These tables indicate the proportion of people dead in a calendar year stratified by birthdate and gender.
semi.markov.4states.rsadd(times1, times2, sequences, weights=NULL, dist, cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, cuts.14=NULL, cuts.23=NULL, cuts.24=NULL, ini.dist.12=NULL, ini.dist.13=NULL, ini.dist.14=NULL, ini.dist.23=NULL, ini.dist.24=NULL, cov.12=NULL, init.cov.12=NULL, names.12=NULL, cov.13=NULL, init.cov.13=NULL, names.13=NULL, cov.14=NULL, init.cov.14=NULL, names.14=NULL, cov.23=NULL, init.cov.23=NULL, names.23=NULL, cov.24=NULL, init.cov.24=NULL, names.24=NULL, p.age, p.sex, p.year, p.rate.table, conf.int=TRUE, silent=TRUE, precision=10^(-6))
semi.markov.4states.rsadd(times1, times2, sequences, weights=NULL, dist, cuts.12=NULL, cuts.13=NULL, cuts.14=NULL, cuts.23=NULL, cuts.24=NULL, ini.dist.12=NULL, ini.dist.13=NULL, ini.dist.14=NULL, ini.dist.23=NULL, ini.dist.24=NULL, cov.12=NULL, init.cov.12=NULL, names.12=NULL, cov.13=NULL, init.cov.13=NULL, names.13=NULL, cov.14=NULL, init.cov.14=NULL, names.14=NULL, cov.23=NULL, init.cov.23=NULL, names.23=NULL, cov.24=NULL, init.cov.24=NULL, names.24=NULL, p.age, p.sex, p.year, p.rate.table, conf.int=TRUE, silent=TRUE, precision=10^(-6))
times1 |
A numeric vector with the observed times in days from baseline to the first transition (X=2, X=3 or X=4) or to the right-censoring (in X=1 at the last follow-up). |
times2 |
A numeric vector with the observed times in days from baseline to the second transition or to the right censoring (in X=2 at the last follow-up). |
sequences |
a numeric vector with the sequences of observed states. Six possible values are allowed: 1 (individual right-censored in X=1), 12 (individual right-censored in X=2), 13 (individual who directly transited from X=1 to X=3), 14 (individual who directly transited from X=1 to X=4), 123 (individual who transited from X=1 to X=3 through X=2), 124 (individual who transited from X=1 to X=4 through X=2). |
weights |
A numeric vector with the weights for correcting the contribution of each individual. When the vector is completed, the IPW estimator is implemented. Default is |
dist |
A character vector with three arguments describing respectively the distributions of duration time for transitions 1->2, 1->3 and 2->3. Arguments allowed are |
cuts.12 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=2. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.13 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=3. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.14 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=4. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.23 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=3. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
cuts.24 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=4. Only internal timepoints are allowed: timepoints cannot be |
ini.dist.12 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=2. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.dist.13 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=3. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.dist.14 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=1 to X=4. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.dist.23 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=2 to X=3. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
ini.dist.24 |
A numeric vector of initial values for the distribution from X=2 to X=4. The logarithm of the parameters have to be declared. Default value is 1. |
cov.12 |
A matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=2. |
init.cov.12 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.12 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.13 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=3. |
init.cov.13 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.13 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.14 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=1 to X=4. |
init.cov.14 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.14 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.23 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=2 to X=3. |
init.cov.23 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.23 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
cov.24 |
A numeric matrix (or data frame) with the explicative time-fixed variable(s) related to the time from X=2 to X=4. |
init.cov.24 |
A numeric vector of initial values for regression coefficients (logarithm of the cause-specific hazards ratios) associated to |
names.24 |
An optional character vector with name of explicative variables associated to |
p.age |
A numeric vector with the patient ages in days at baseline (X=1). |
p.sex |
A character vector with the genders: |
p.year |
A numeric vector with the entry dates in the study respecting the date format, i.e. in number of days since 01.01.1960. |
p.rate.table |
A list contaning the information related to the expected rates of mortality. This list is organized as a |
conf.int |
A logical value specifying if the pointwise confidence intervals for parameters and the variance-covariance matrix should be returned. Default is |
silent |
A logical value specifying if the log-likelihood value should be returned at each iteration. Default is |
precision |
A numeric positive value indicating the required precision for the log-likelihood maximization between each iteration. Default is |
Hazard functions available are:
Exponential distribution | |
Weibull distribution | |
Generalized Weibull distribution |
with ,
. The parameter
varies for each interval when the distribution is piecewise Exponential. We advise to initialize the logarithm of these parameters in
, ini.dist.13
and ini.dist.23
To estimate the marginal effect of a binary exposure, the weights
may be equal to 1/p
, where p
is the estimated probability that the individual belongs to his or her own observed group of exposure. The probabilities p
are often estimated by a logistic regression in which the dependent binary variable is the exposure. The possible confounding factors are the explanatory variables of this logistic model.
object |
A character string indicating the estimated model: "semi.markov.4states.rsadd (4-state relative survival semi-Markov model with additive risks)". |
dist |
A character vector with two arguments describing respectively the distributions of duration time for transitions 1->2, 1->3, 1->4, 2->3, and 2->4. |
cuts.12 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=2. |
cuts.13 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=3. |
cuts.14 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=1 to X=4. |
cuts.23 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=3. |
cuts.24 |
A numeric vector indicating the timepoints in days for the piecewise exponential distribution related to the time from X=2 to X=4. |
covariates |
A numeric vector indicating the numbers of covariates respectively related to the transition 1->2, 1->3, 1->4, 2->3, and 2->4. |
table |
A data frame containing the estimated parameters of the model ( |
cov.matrix |
A data frame corresponding to variance-covariance matrix of the parameters. |
LogLik |
A numeric value corresponding to the log-likelihood of the estimated model. |
A numeric value corresponding to the Akaike Information Criterion of the estimated model. |
Yohann Foucher <[email protected]>
Florence Gillaizeau <[email protected]>
Gillaizeau et al. Inverse Probability Weighting to control confounding in an illness-death model for interval-censored data. Stat Med. 37(8):1245-1258, 2018. <doi: 10.1002/sim.7550>.
Gillaizeau et al. A multistate additive relative survival semi-Markov model. Statistical methods in medical research. 26(4):1700-1711, 2017. <doi: 10.1177/ 0962280215586456>.
# import the observed data # (X=1 corresponds to initial state with a functioning graft, X=2 to acute rejection episode, # X=3 to return to dialysis, X=4 to death with a functioning graft) data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) set.seed(2) d4<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 300, replace = FALSE),] # import the expected mortality rates data(fr.ratetable) # 4-state parametric additive relative survival semi-Markov model including one # explicative variable (z is the delayed graft function) on the transition from X=1 to X=2 # Note: a semi-Markovian process with sojourn times exponentially distributed # is a time-homogeneous Markov process # We only reduced the precision and the number of iteration to save time in this example, # prefer the default values. semi.markov.4states.rsadd(times1=d4$time1, times2=d4$time2, sequences=d4$trajectory, dist=c("E","E","E","E","E"), ini.dist.12=c(8.34), ini.dist.13=c(10.44), ini.dist.14=c(10.70), ini.dist.23=c(9.43), ini.dist.24=c(11.11), cov.12=d4$z, init.cov.12=c(0.04), names.12=c("beta12_z"), p.age=d4$ageR*365.24, p.sex=d4$sexR, p.year=as.numeric(as.Date(paste0(d4$year.tx,"-01-01"), origin = "1960-01-01")), p.rate.table=fr.ratetable, conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE, precision=0.001)
# import the observed data # (X=1 corresponds to initial state with a functioning graft, X=2 to acute rejection episode, # X=3 to return to dialysis, X=4 to death with a functioning graft) data(dataDIVAT1) # A subgroup analysis to reduce the time needed for this example dataDIVAT1$id<-c(1:nrow(dataDIVAT1)) set.seed(2) d4<-dataDIVAT1[dataDIVAT1$id %in% sample(dataDIVAT1$id, 300, replace = FALSE),] # import the expected mortality rates data(fr.ratetable) # 4-state parametric additive relative survival semi-Markov model including one # explicative variable (z is the delayed graft function) on the transition from X=1 to X=2 # Note: a semi-Markovian process with sojourn times exponentially distributed # is a time-homogeneous Markov process # We only reduced the precision and the number of iteration to save time in this example, # prefer the default values. semi.markov.4states.rsadd(times1=d4$time1, times2=d4$time2, sequences=d4$trajectory, dist=c("E","E","E","E","E"), ini.dist.12=c(8.34), ini.dist.13=c(10.44), ini.dist.14=c(10.70), ini.dist.23=c(9.43), ini.dist.24=c(11.11), cov.12=d4$z, init.cov.12=c(0.04), names.12=c("beta12_z"), p.age=d4$ageR*365.24, p.sex=d4$sexR, p.year=as.numeric(as.Date(paste0(d4$year.tx,"-01-01"), origin = "1960-01-01")), p.rate.table=fr.ratetable, conf.int=TRUE, silent=FALSE, precision=0.001)
Compute a multiplicative-regression model to compare the risk factors between a reference and a relative population.
survival.mr(times, failures, cov.relative, data, cox.reference, cov.reference, ini, iterations)
survival.mr(times, failures, cov.relative, data, cox.reference, cov.reference, ini, iterations)
times |
The column name in |
failures |
The column name in |
cov.relative |
The column(s) name(s) in |
data |
A data frame with the variables (columns) of the individuals (raw) of the relative sample. |
cox.reference |
The results of the Cox model performed in the reference sample, i.e an object obtained by the |
cov.reference |
The column(s) name(s) in |
ini |
A vector with the same length than |
iterations |
The number of iterations of the bootstrap resampling. |
We proposed here an adaptation of a multiplicative-regression model for relative survival to study the heterogeneity of risk factors between two groups of patients. Estimation of parameters is based on partial likelihood maximization and Monte-Carlo simulations associated with bootstrap re-sampling yields to obtain the corresponding standard deviations. The expected hazard ratios are obtained by using a PH Cox model.
matrix.coef |
A matrix containing the parameters estimations at each of the B iterations. |
estim.coef |
A numerical vector containing the mean of the previous estimation |
lower95.coef |
A numerical vector containing the lower bounds of the 95% confidence intervals. |
upper95.coef |
A numerical vector containing the upper bounds of the 95% confidence intervals. |
Y. Foucher <[email protected]>
K. Trebern-Launay <[email protected]>
K. Trebern-Launay et al. Comparison of the risk factors effects between two populations: two alternative approaches illustrated by the analysis of first and second kidney transplant recipients. BMC Med Res Methodol. 2013 Aug 6;13:102. <doi: 10.1186/1471-2288-13-102>.
# import and attach both samples data(dataFTR) data(dataSTR) # We reduce the dimension to save time for this example (CRAN policies) # Compute the Cox model in the First Kidney Transplantations (FTR) cox.FTR<-coxph(Surv(Tps.Evt, Evt)~ ageR2cl + sexeR, data=dataFTR[1:100,]) summary(cox.FTR) # Compute the multiplicative relative model # for Second Kidney Transplantations (STR) # Choose iterations>>5 for real applications mrs.STR <- survival.mr(times="Tps.Evt", failures="Evt", cov.relative=c("ageR2cl", "Tattente2cl"), data=dataSTR[1:100,], cox.reference=cox.FTR, cov.reference=c("ageR2cl", "sexeR"), ini=c(0,0), iterations=5) # The parameters estimations (mean of the values) mrs.STR$estim.coef # The 95 percent. confidence intervals cbind(mrs.STR$lower95.coef, mrs.STR$upper95.coef)
# import and attach both samples data(dataFTR) data(dataSTR) # We reduce the dimension to save time for this example (CRAN policies) # Compute the Cox model in the First Kidney Transplantations (FTR) cox.FTR<-coxph(Surv(Tps.Evt, Evt)~ ageR2cl + sexeR, data=dataFTR[1:100,]) summary(cox.FTR) # Compute the multiplicative relative model # for Second Kidney Transplantations (STR) # Choose iterations>>5 for real applications mrs.STR <- survival.mr(times="Tps.Evt", failures="Evt", cov.relative=c("ageR2cl", "Tattente2cl"), data=dataSTR[1:100,], cox.reference=cox.FTR, cov.reference=c("ageR2cl", "sexeR"), ini=c(0,0), iterations=5) # The parameters estimations (mean of the values) mrs.STR$estim.coef # The 95 percent. confidence intervals cbind(mrs.STR$lower95.coef, mrs.STR$upper95.coef)
Estimation of the summary survival curve from the survival rates and the numbers of at-risk individuals extracted from studies of a meta-analysis.
survival.summary(study, time, n.risk, surv.rate, confidence)
survival.summary(study, time, n.risk, surv.rate, confidence)
study |
A numeric vector with the numbering of the studies included in the meta-analysis. The numbering of a study is repeated for each survival probabilities extracted from this study. |
time |
A numeric vector with the time at which the survival probabilities are collected. |
n.risk |
A numeric vector with the number of at-risk patients in the study for each value of thr |
surv.rate |
A numeric vector with the survival rates collected per study for each value of |
confidence |
A text argument indicating the method to calculate the 95% confidence interval of the summary survival probabilities: "Greenwood" or "MonteCarlo". |
The survival probabilities have to be extracted at the same set of points in time for all studies. Missing data are not allowed. The studies included in the meta-analysis can have different length of follow-up. For a study ending after the time t, all survival probabilities until t have to be entered in data. The data are sorted by study and by time. The conditional survival probabilities are arc-sine transformed and thus pooled assuming fixed effects or random effects. A correction of 0.25 is applied to the arc-sine transformation. For random effects, the multivariate methodology of DerSimonian and Laird is applied and the between-study covariances are accounted. The summary survival probabilities are obtained by the product of the pooled conditional survival probabilities. The mean and median survival times are derived from the summary survival curve assuming a linear interpolation of the survival between the points.
verif.data |
A data frame in which the first column ( |
summary.fixed |
A matrix containing the summarized survival probabilities assuming fixed effects. The first column contains the time at which the summary survivals are computed. The second column contains the estimations of the summary survival probabilities. The third and fourth columns contain the lower and the upper bound of the 95% confidence interval, computed by either the Greenwood or the Monte Carlo approach as specified by the user. |
median.fixed |
A numerical vector containing the estimated median survival time computed from the summary survival curve assuming fixed effects and the lower and upper bounds of the 95% confidence interval computed by a Monte Carlo approach. |
mean.fixed |
A numerical vector containing the estimated mean survival time computed from the summary survival curve assuming fixed effects and the lower and upper bounds of the 95% confidence interval computed by a Monte Carlo approach. |
heterogeneity |
A numerical vector containing the value of the Q statistic for the heterogeneity, the H index and the I-squared index (in percentage). |
summary.random |
A matrix containing the summarized survival probabilities assuming random effects. The first column contains the time at which the summary survivals are computed. The second column contains the estimations of the summary survival probabilities. The third and fourth columns contain the lower and the upper bound of the 95% confidence interval around the summary survival probabilities, computed by either the Greenwood or the Monte Carlo approach as specified by the user. |
median.random |
A numerical vector containing the estimated median survival time computed from the summary survival curve assuming random effects and the lower and upper bounds of the 95% confidence interval computed by a Monte Carlo approach. |
mean.random |
A numerical vector containing the estimated mean survival time computed from the summary survival curve assuming random effects and the lower and upper bounds of the 95% confidence interval computed by a Monte Carlo approach. |
Y. Foucher <[email protected]>
D. Jackson <[email protected]>
C. Combescure <[email protected]>
Combescure et al. The multivariate DerSimonian and Laird's methodology applied to meta-analysis of survival curves. 10;33(15):2521-37, 2014. Statistics in Medicine. <doi:10.1002/sim.6111>.
# import and attach the data example data(dataHepatology) attach(dataHepatology) # computation of the summary survivals results<-survival.summary(study, time, n.risk, survival, confidence="Greenwood") results # plot the estimated summary survival curve against the extracted ones RandomEffectSummary<- results$summary.random plot(time, survival, type="n", col="grey", ylim=c(0,1),xlab="Time", ylab="Survival") for (i in unique(sort(study))) { lines(time[study==i], survival[study==i], type="l", col="grey") points(max(time[study==i]), survival[study==i & time==max(time[study==i])], pch=15) } lines(RandomEffectSummary[,1], RandomEffectSummary[,2], type="l", col="red", lwd=3) points(RandomEffectSummary[,1], RandomEffectSummary[,3], type="l", col="red", lty=3, lwd=3) points(RandomEffectSummary[,1], RandomEffectSummary[,4], type="l", col="red", lty=3, lwd=3)
# import and attach the data example data(dataHepatology) attach(dataHepatology) # computation of the summary survivals results<-survival.summary(study, time, n.risk, survival, confidence="Greenwood") results # plot the estimated summary survival curve against the extracted ones RandomEffectSummary<- results$summary.random plot(time, survival, type="n", col="grey", ylim=c(0,1),xlab="Time", ylab="Survival") for (i in unique(sort(study))) { lines(time[study==i], survival[study==i], type="l", col="grey") points(max(time[study==i]), survival[study==i & time==max(time[study==i])], pch=15) } lines(RandomEffectSummary[,1], RandomEffectSummary[,2], type="l", col="red", lwd=3) points(RandomEffectSummary[,1], RandomEffectSummary[,3], type="l", col="red", lty=3, lwd=3) points(RandomEffectSummary[,1], RandomEffectSummary[,4], type="l", col="red", lty=3, lwd=3)
Estimation of the summary survival curve from the survival rates and the numbers of at-risk individuals extracted from studies of a meta-analysis and comparisons between strata of studies.
survival.summary.strata(study, time, n.risk, surv.rate, confidence, strata)
survival.summary.strata(study, time, n.risk, surv.rate, confidence, strata)
study |
A numeric vector with the numbering of the studies included in the meta-analysis. The numbering of a study is repeated for each survival probabilities extracted from this study. |
time |
A numeric vector with the time at which the survival probabilities are collected. |
n.risk |
A numeric vector with the number of at-risk patients in the study for each value of thr |
surv.rate |
A numeric vector with the survival rates collected per study for each value of |
confidence |
A text argument indicating the method to calculate the 95% confidence interval of the summary survival probabilities: "Greenwood" or "MonteCarlo". |
strata |
A factor designing the strata. Each stratum has to contain at least two studies. |
The survival probabilities have to be extracted at the same set of points in time for all studies. Missing data are not allowed. The studies included in the meta-analysis can have different length of follow-up. For a study ending after the time t, all survival probabilities until t have to be entered in data. The data are sorted by study and by time. The conditional survival probabilities are arc-sine transformed and thus pooled assuming fixed effects or random effects. A correction of 0.25 is applied to the arc-sine transformation. For random effects, the multivariate methodology of DerSimonian and Laird is applied and the between-study covariances are accounted. The summary survival probabilities are obtained by the product of the pooled conditional survival probabilities. The mean and median survival times are derived from the summary survival curve assuming a linear interpolation of the survival between the points. The summary survival curve is assessed in each stratum. The duration of follow-up is the greatest duration for which each stratum contains at least two studies reporting the survival at this duration. The between-strata is assessed and tested.
verif.data |
A data frame in which the first column ( |
summary.fixed |
A list list of matrix. Each matrix contains the summarized survival probabilities assuming fixed effects. Each matrix provides the results for one stratum. The first column contains the time at which the summary survivals are computed. The second column contains the estimations of the summary survival probabilities. The third and fourth columns contain the lower and the upper bound of the 95% confidence interval, computed by either the Greenwood or the Monte Carlo approach as specified by the user. The last element of the list is the summary survival when all strata are pooled. |
summary.random |
A list object containing the summarized survival probabilities in each stratum assuming random effects. The results are presented similarly as |
median.fixed |
A numerical vector containing the estimated median survival time computed from the summary survival curve assuming fixed effects and the lower and upper bounds of the 95% confidence interval computed by a Monte Carlo approach. |
mean.fixed |
A numerical vector containing the estimated mean survival time computed from the summary survival curve assuming fixed effects and the lower and upper bounds of the 95% confidence interval computed by a Monte Carlo approach. |
heterogeneity |
A numerical vector containing the value of the Q statistic for the heterogeneity, the H index and the I-squared index (in percentage). |
p.value |
The p-value of the test for the null hypothesis that the between-strata heterogeneity is null. |
Y. Foucher <[email protected]>
D. Jackson <[email protected]>
C. Combescure <[email protected]>
Combescure et al. The multivariate DerSimonian and Laird's methodology applied to meta-analysis of survival curves. 10;33(15):2521-37, 2014. Statistics in Medicine. <doi:10.1002/sim.6111>.
# import and attach the data example data(dataHepatology) attach(dataHepatology) # computation of the summary survivals results<-survival.summary.strata(study = study, time = time, n.risk = n.risk, surv.rate = survival, confidence="Greenwood", strata = location) results
# import and attach the data example data(dataHepatology) attach(dataHepatology) # computation of the summary survivals results<-survival.summary.strata(study = study, time = time, n.risk = n.risk, surv.rate = survival, confidence="Greenwood", strata = location) results